20 Best British Political Podcasts of 2021

May 18, 2021

Are you wanting to learn more about british political? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best british political podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

Best British Political Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.

The Number 10 Podcast

  • Publisher: Chris Flynn
  • Total Episodes: 32

The Number 10 Podcast chronicles the life and times of British Prime Ministers and important political events that have lead us to where we are now. With regular fortnightly historical episodes, group discussions, topical debates and interviews; you need look no further for your regular political fix, or to learn something new.

The Hardy Report

  • Publisher: The Hardy Report
  • Total Episodes: 139

The Hardy Report is a political news and current affairs podcast, bringing you interviews with a range of activists, campaigners and politicians from across the political spectrum in the United States and the United Kingdom. The show takes listeners beyond the headlines and speaks to the individuals behind the stories that are shaping the 2020 election in America and the British political landscape. New episodes are released every week. If you enjoy the show, you can sign up to The Hardy Report’s Patreon right now and get exclusive access to full, unedited interviews Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/thehardyreport/support

Bloomberg Westminster

  • Publisher: Bloomberg Radio
  • Total Episodes: 416

Bloomberg Westminster is your daily guide to British politics. In less than half an hour, we’ll tell you what’s happening and explain why it matters. Plus, interviews with MPs, policy experts, and Bloomberg’s own team of political journalists. Presented by Caroline Hepker and Roger Hearing.

Great Thinkers

  • Publisher: The British Academy
  • Total Episodes: 10

For over 100 years, the Fellowship of the British Academy has brought together the country’s greatest thinkers from across the humanities and social sciences. In this new podcast, current Fellows of the British Academy shine a light on the Fellows of previous generations whose work still shapes how we see the world today. Listen to leading historians, economists, psychologists and political scientists introducing you to the academics that inspired them, revealing their remarkable lives and the enduring influence of their ideas.


  • Publisher: David Treatman Creative
  • Total Episodes: 6

Rookie doesn’t know much about his family business–but then again neither does the American Public. Nevertheless, he is tasked with suddenly leading the secret government agency in charge of covering up all political scandals, and his first assignment is the biggest scandal since watergate! With a clever idea, Rookie must come into his own and fight off the evil Agent X in order to save the bureau and protect the country from ruin! With a score teeming with energetic pop and jazzy elements, brought to life by a Tony Award winning – star studded cast, Propaganda the Podcast Musical is the antidote we need now. CAST: Rookie – Dale Sampson Tary – Katie Rose Clarke Agent X – Christina Sajous Barbara Joblove – Karen Ziemba Nicky – Jackie Hoffman Grandpa – Austin Pendleton Bonnie – Betsy Wolfe Ted – Kyle McIntire Number 1 – Rodney Ingram Number 2 – Jillian Jarrett Number 3 – Shaun Repetto Beth and Belinda – Mary Joanna Grisso British Grandpa – Mark Ferrera Newscasters – Mark Ferrera, John Pelkey, Tyson Kelly and Taylor Ferrera Wellington – Rodney Ingram Ensemble Singers – Miranda Gelch, David Rowen, Brit West Trailer Narration – Matthew Hsing BAND: Drums – Uri Zelig Guitar – Tomer Rabinowitz Bass Guitar – Yoni Marianer Piano – Assaf Gleizner CREATIVE: Written by Taylor Ferrera and Matt Webster Directed by Nathan Brewer Orchestrations and Musical Direction by Assaf Gleizer Assistant Musical Director – Kevin Lynch Musical Mixing – Neil Candelora Editing and Sound Design – Levi Sharpe Assistant Audio Editing and Narration – Cadence Hira Production Intern – Camryn Bolkin Produced by David Treatman Creative Associate Produced by – Nicole and Ethan Steimel Associate Produced by – Melissa Edelblum

Debated Podcast

  • Publisher: Debated Podcast
  • Total Episodes: 123

Debated is a British politics podcast where two hosts (Will Barber Taylor and Conrad Lewandowski) speak to guests from across the political spectrum on the issues of the day

How Jamaica Conquered the World

  • Publisher: Roifield Brown
  • Total Episodes: 29

The small island of Jamaica has forged a new type of empire, an intangible realm of which there are no physical monuments. There is no official political or economic sphere of Jamaican influence but when it comes to popular culture its global reach is immense, far exceeding the reasonable expectation for a nation of just over 2.7 million people. For a nation that gained independence from the British only 50 years ago, Jamaicans have left their mark on music, sport, style and language around the globe and have become an international marker of ‘cool’. Jamaican music has colonised the new and old world alike, its athletes break world records with impunity and youngsters the world over are incorporating Jamaican slang into their dialects. Despite this the country has reaped no economic reward in return, unlike empires of old, and Jamaica still remains an economic pygmy. Jamaican influence has unconsciously spawned creative innovation around the globe and to this day it remains a country to be studied, celebrated, and demystified. Through the help of linguists, artists, musicians, designers, sports personalities, and historians we take a closer look as to how Jamaican culture conquered the world.

BIV Today

  • Publisher: Business In Vancouver
  • Total Episodes: 688

British Columbia’s only daily news show focused on business, brought to you by Business in Vancouver newspaper and biv.com. Join hosts editor-in-chief Kirk LaPointe as well as reporters Tyler Orton and Hayley Woodin as they interview Canada’s business and political leaders about the pressing issues facing British Columbian businesses and industries today. Join them as they discuss real estate, technology, the resource industries and local and provincial politics.

The History of England, from the Accession of James the Second by Thomas Babington Macaulay

  • Publisher: Loyal Books
  • Total Episodes: 14

Hailed more as a literary masterpiece than an accurate account of historical facts, The History of England from the Accession of James the Second by Thomas Babington Macaulay is an admirable mix of fact and fiction. Modern day readers may find much that is offensive and insensitive in this five volume work which covers a particular period in the long and eventful history of Britain. However, it is certainly a book that leads the reader on to further research into the events and people mentioned. The book opens with an elaborate and detailed introduction which describes the writer’s motives and reasons for embarking on this project. He goes on to trace the early civilizations that preceded the establishment of the British Monarchy. He credits the British people with resisting all foreign influences beginning with the Romans and going on to the French, Dutch and Germans who had an important role to play in the affairs of the country. The British character and traditions are lauded and commended above all others. This was something which was characteristic of the Victorian age in which Macaulay lived, when the British Empire was at the height of its powers. He was still working on the fifth volume and the reign of William III when he died at the relatively young age of 59. For Macaulay and his contemporaries, Britain at that time represented the zenith of civilization. Macaulay himself was assigned the task of introducing English in British colonies, especially in India. Some of his controversial ideas included dividing the world into “civilization and barbarism” and his contempt of indigenous cultures. His famously insular outlook which he himself took great pride in was something which permeated through all his writings. The History of England… was seen as an essentially Whig representation of events. It inspired a generation of British politicians and thinkers, the most notable among them being Winston Churchill. The philosophy and viewpoint it represents evokes a past era in which the politics of the world was completely different. Macaulay is also famous for having insisted on personally visiting many of the places he describes and thus introducing the concept of social history in addition to a mere political discourse. In spite of all the attacks it received both when it was first published and later, the book remains a highly readable account of the history of the tiny island nation which went on to become a superpower.

Works of Tacitus, Vol. I, The by TACITUS, Publius Cornelius and GORDON, Thomas

  • Publisher: LibriVox
  • Total Episodes: 29

The historical works of Tacitus are a history of the period from A.D. 14 to 96 in thirty volumes. Although many of the works were lost (only books 1-5 of the Histories and 1-6 and 11-16 of the Annals survive), enough remains to provide a good sense of Tacitus’s political and moral philosophy.He recognized the necessity for strong rulers but argued that more should be done to manage the succession of power and allow for the ascension of talent. Tacitus asserted that it was the dynastic ambitions of Rome’s many emperors that caused the decline of moral and political life and precluded the possibility of recruiting leaders of real ability. Moreover, the dynastic temptation caused political instability because military force was now required for political change. His works point to the necessity of systematic institutional restraints on power for the preservation of liberty.Gordon’s translation and his lengthy Discourses on Tacitus bring Tacitus’ ideas up to date and apply them to the British state of the early 18th century. (Description from Online Library of Liberty)

The Dash with David Eby

  • Publisher: David Eby
  • Total Episodes: 36

The Dash is a way for you to keep up to date in BC politics with David Eby. If you live in Point Grey, Kitsilano, or at UBC you probably know David as your Member of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly. Others may know David as Attorney General. But this is a discussion with David outside of those titles, in a personal and political podcast, giving you a chance to find out about some of the things that he is doing that maybe haven’t made the news. And if you don’t know David, this is a great chance for you to get to know him personally. Every week, David will sit across the mic from his co-host, Meghan Sali, and together they’ll talk about what’s new in life and politics in British Columbia, and his home community of Vancouver-Point Grey. We recognize and are grateful for the ability to record and produce this podcast on xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwəta/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) territory in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

50 Years of Life in Britain

  • Publisher: Centre for Longitudinal Studies – UCL Institute of Education
  • Total Episodes: 7

Join us as we celebrate 50 years of the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70), which has been following the lives of 17,000 people born in Great Britain during a single week in 1970. This podcast series takes listeners on a journey through British social and political history, and explores BCS70’s numerous contributions to British science and society. Across six episodes, the series tells our study members’ story and charts the first five decades of the study.

In The House

  • Publisher: Postmedia
  • Total Episodes: 54

Political columnists Michael Smyth and Rob Shaw report from the heart of British Columbia’s politics.

River War – An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan, The by CHURCHILL, Winston S.

  • Publisher: LibriVox
  • Total Episodes: 23

When the self-proclaimed Mahdi (“Guided One”) gathered Islamic forces and kicked the Anglo-Egyptians out of the Sudan, he unleashed a backlash. With the image of the heroic General Charles Gordon dying at Khartoum, the British public was ready to support a war to reclaim the lost territories. And when the political time was right, a British-Egyptian-Sudanese expedition led by the redoubtable Herbert Kitchener set out to do just that. The river involved was the Nile. For millennia, its annual flood has made habitable a slender strip, though hundreds of miles of deserts, between its tributaries and its delta. Through this desolate region, man and beast struggled to supply the bare essentials of life. Though this same region, the expedition had to find and defeat an enemy several times larger than itself. The young Churchill was hot to gain war experience to aid his career, and so he wangled a transfer to the 21st Lancers and participated in the last successful cavalry charge the world ever saw, in the climactic battle of Omdurman. He also had a position as war correspondent for the Morning Post, and on his return to England he used his notes to compose this book.

Indian National Congress Podcast

  • Publisher: Indian National Congress
  • Total Episodes: 1

The Indian National Congress (INC, often called the Congress Party or simply Congress) is a political party in India with widespread roots. Founded in 1885, it was the first modern nationalist movement to emerge in the British Empire in Asia and Africa. From the late 19th century, and especially after 1920, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Congress became the principal leader of the Indian independence movement.Congress led India to independence from Great Britain and powerfully influenced other anti-colonial nationalist movements in the British Empire.

Bass Culture UK – How Bass Music Shaped British Culture

  • Publisher: Black Culture Research Unit
  • Total Episodes: 13

Bass Culture UK is the Black Music Research Unit at the University of Westminster, an academic research project exploring the impact of Jamaican and Jamaican-influenced music on British culture. Covering the period from the 1960s to the present day, with an initial focus on London and a particular interest in the years 1976 – 1981. We explore the impact of Bass Culture through the explosion of Jamaican genres like ska, reggae and dub in the UK to the development of distinct British variants like dub poetry, two-tone and lovers rock. We examine how and why this music’s influence has and continues to transform British pop from Susan Cadogan or The Clash to Stormzy. We also explore Bass Culture as a creative practice, an independent economy and a source of alternative philosophical and political ideas. This podcast is a collection of interviews with the people both behind the scenes and in the limelight of British Black Music.

Parliament Explained

  • Publisher: UK Parliament
  • Total Episodes: 5

Welcome to this award-winning podcast series from the UK Parliament. In the series, writer and comedian Meera Syal guides you through the people and processes of the UK Parliament – what Parliament is, how Parliament scrutinises the work of the Government, and how you can get involved. In this politically impartial series, Meera is joined by staff from the House of Lords and the House of Commons, including Regional Outreach Officers, Clerks, Committee Specialists and Doorkeepers, who talk about their roles and areas of expertise. Guests also include Helen Jones, Chair of the House of Commons Petitions Select Committee, and Baroness Corston, Chair of the House of Lords Social Mobility Select Committee, who talk about the work of the committees they have led. Also featured is Maria Lester, whose petition calling for increased funding for brain tumour research led to a high profile debate in Parliament, resulting in government action. Make sure you listen to the entire series, which has been nominated for a British Podcast Award 2018, and why not leave us a review too!

Department of Sociology Podcasts

  • Publisher: Oxford University
  • Total Episodes: 110

Podcasts from The Department of Sociology. Sociology in Oxford is concerned with real-world issues with policy relevance, such as social inequality, organised crime, the social basis of political conflict and mobilization, and changes in family relationships and gender roles. Our research is empirical, analytical, and comparative in nature, reaching far beyond British society, to encompass systematic cross-national comparison as well as the detailed study of Asian, European, Latin American and North American societies.

Conversations with the Bhalosmiths

  • Publisher: The Bhalosmiths
  • Total Episodes: 4

Welcome to the Conversations with the Bhalosmiths podcast, where we talk about our experiences of being a blended Muslim AmBriKen (American, British, Swahili Kenyan) family and the social, religious, and political forces that affect our daily lives.

Autobiography by MILL, John Stuart

  • Publisher: LibriVox
  • Total Episodes: 21

John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 8 May 1873), British philosopher, political economist, civil servant and Member of Parliament, was an influential liberal thinker of the 19th century. He was an exponent of utilitarianism, an ethical theory developed by Jeremy Bentham, although his conception of it was very different from Bentham’s. He was a forceful proponent in the fight for government intervention in social reform. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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