5 Awesome Employee Perks Your Team Will Love

December 29, 2022
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

A successful business gives attention to employee experience. If you focus more on business outcomes, often your customers feel suffocated and undervalued. Make them feel valued by giving them benefits and perks.

Benefits are what your employees need, while perks are what they want. Employees have specific expectations of the benefits, while the company sets perks and opportunities. Here are some awesome employee perks your team will love.

Lunch Stipend and Team Dinner

Several companies invest in giving lunch to their employees and invite them to monthly team dinners. This is a perk that every employee loves; who declines a free meal? It also encourages team building.

Career Development

Employees love to learn more about how to perform their job effectively. It is wrong to be afraid to give your employees training because of the thought that they will leave the company. This only happens if the employees are not given any growth and development of their career in your company. Giving your employees more opportunities for career growth makes them stay.

Flexible Schedule and Remote Work

This is the perk most employees appreciate; having more time at home. We are accustomed to having an office environment and working together face-to-face. However, it has been observed that employees are more productive with having a flexible schedule than the traditional 9 to 5 workday. Allow your employees to work from home once or twice a week.

Moreover, letting your employees work late makes them feel strained. It wastes their time with their family, has quality sleep, or even drops off their clothes at the laundry startup New York. Giving them the opportunity of having a flexible schedule and remote work gives them a work-and-life balance.

Vouchers from Partnered Businesses

Another perk that makes your employees happy is vouchers. You can give your employee voucher rewards for brands, tickets, or discounts from your partnered businesses. It is rare for a company to hand out laundry delivery service vouchers to their employees. If you are partnered with a reliable laundry service provider, grab the chance to have a discount voucher from them.

Some employees love to receive vouchers for entertainment, while others appreciate grocery and service provider vouchers. Service provider vouchers remove some of their household chore burdens. It gives them some time to relax from their responsibilities.

Student Loan Assistance

Several employees still need to settle their student loans. This likely hinder them from giving their best performance due to stress, or they must have several jobs to pay off their student loan. Some companies offer student loan assistance to help them pay off their debt faster. It is best to help your employees find their financial footing if you can.

These suggested awesome employee perks may differ from what your employees will love or appreciate. Although there is a greater possibility that they will love these perks, it is always best to assess their needs before you start offering a new perk. Employees feel more valued if they are surveyed.

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