76% of drivers now Hypermiling to save fuel – Liverpool is the hypermiling capital of the UK

June 12, 2022

More than three quarters of UK drivers are now using hypermiling techniques, despite the potential danger to their vehicles – and themselves.

In recent research from used car buying service ChooseMyCar.com, 76 percent of people agreed they’re now more likely to use hypermiling techniques because of the recent rise in fuel costs.  Digging deeper into the data, 35-54 year olds were most likely to be hypermiling, with a massive 81 percent agreeing they’ve changed their driving technique. 

Other interesting statistics from the research show that:

  • Liverpool is the hypermiling capital of the UK, with with 86 percent of drivers agreeing they’re now doing it
  • Norwich is close behind, with 80 percent
  • Southampton is on 79 percent of drivers hypermiling
  • London and Birmingham complete the top 5, with 78 percent of drivers admitting to using hypermiling techniques.

Hypermiling is the process of using various techniques to increase fuel economy. With petrol prices now reaching record highs, it’s not surprising that so many UK drivers are turning to these tips. However, some hypermiling techniques can cause damage to vehicles – and some are deemed by experts to be actually unsafe.

ChooseMyCar.com has put together some safe tips and techniques for improving fuel economy in these tricky times.

Founder of ChooseMyCar.com, Nick Zapolski, said that drivers must do their research before using any methods of saving fuel.

“While hypermiling might be good for our pockets, some techniques are not good for our (or our car’s) safety. So before you become a hypermiler, take a look at some of our popular tried and tested fuel-saving tips.”

Prepare your car for success

Before you even put fuel in your car, think about whether it’s in the best condition. Are your tyres pumped sufficiently? Are your oil levels topped up? Has your car been serviced in the last year? You may not realise it, but in order for your vehicle to save fuel, you need to make sure it’s in top condition. If your tyres aren’t sufficiently inflated, your car will have to work harder to perform the way you’re used to. That means using more fuel. If your oil levels aren’t suitable, more energy will be required to turn the engine. 

Focus on your MPG

Some cars will tell you the real-time MPG of your car as you’re driving along. This can be a great tool to help your driving become more economical, although this can be distracting so be cautious. Our advice; if your car can tell you what the current MPG of your travelling car is, there’s a chance it also has an eco-setting. Turn that on. It will prevent you from driving too erratically. 

Go easy on the brake pedal

Each time you brake, you turn your fuel into heat and brake dust. So don’t speed up just to slam the brakes on. If you see the speed limit ahead is being reduced, don’t wait until you get to the sign to hit the brake. Let your car naturally slow itself down before you force it to. The less you use your brakes and the more you use natural resistance to slow your car – the better for your fuel. 

Stick to the speed limit

More often than not, safe driving means saving fuel. The faster you travel the more fuel you use. That doesn’t mean you should drive at 30mph on a motorway. But consider the fact that statistically, most cars will be most efficient at around 56mph. For each 5mph to 10mph you reduce your speed by, you can look to gain 7-14 percent on your fuel economy. This means if you’re one of those people on the motorway bumbling along at 77mph (because you think it means you won’t get caught for speeding) you’re wasting more fuel than the person next to you travelling at the speed limit. Truth be told, it pays to stick to the law!

Get out of the car

Driving to the shops to go and get some milk? Need to pick the kids up from school? Are you one of these people who always opts for the car because it’s easier? Well, a great way for you to save money on your fuel is to stop using the car. 

Alternatively, why not opt for public transport? You’ll be surprised at how much fuel you can save by replacing your car with the bus or train. Perhaps you live near a colleague, you could both travel to work together and cut your fuel costs – quite literally – in half!

Find the most efficient car 

It might be an electric one or perhaps a hybrid vehicle. But the truth is that they’re an expensive purchase. Make your fuel work for the current car you have. Use our tips, drive safely, slowly, and lay off the pedals. If times really get tough, leave the car at home and enjoy some fresh air instead.

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