Anna Natsvlishvili: Become Better Colleagues, Better Leaders, Better Parents, Better Citizens but First of All Better Human Beings

August 9, 2022

We enable children to reach their highest potential! Become better colleagues, better leaders, better parents, better citizens but first of all better human beings.

Tell us about yourself?

My bachelor degree is Computer Engineering and then I did my MBA to deep dive in business techniques.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

To fail more, to communicate more and to have more faith 🙂

What problem does your business solve?

Morphoses cultivates children’s soft skills in the most efficient way to prevent mental health issues related to lack of soft skills, such as depression, anxiety, and other.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

I’m a child of immigrants so, when I went to school, I faced bullying and discrimination. I was lucky because my parents taught me how to deal with this type of situation but this isnt common.

I want to help children become more extroverted, open-minded, happy, and embrace diversity!

What is your magic sauce?

We’ve implemented the ‘Activity Based Learning Library’ into our platform. The content running during the live sessions is always curated by collecting ratings for content and instructors from all children & instructors.

Imagine a library of activities-content where you can find the top-performing activities for every age group and top-performing in specific soft skills; this is precisely what helps us to secure the quality of both sides!

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

The plan for the next 5 years is to kick ass the product, scale the community of instructors, have content creators on the platform who can rent the content to tutors and create the biggest marketplace worldwide for soft skill content creators.

The vision is to cultivate the unique soft skills of 10M children worldwide!

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

One of the main challenges we had was the quality of instructors and how we could secure it, and that’s why we developed this activity library into our infrastructure and finally tackled it.

Also, one challenge was the biased VCs have toward the education space.

They want to invest in the sector, but they don’t understand it, or they don’t feel confident to invest in education; they prefer sectors like fintech, marketplaces and gaming, especially when female founders run the company.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We need more believers; we need people who understand the value of education and know that if you want to change the world and create a better environment for the next generation, this can happen only if you educate people.

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