20 Best British Medical Podcasts of 2021

May 18, 2021

Are you wanting to learn more about british medical? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best british medical podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

Best British Medical Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.


  • Publisher: BMJ Group
  • Total Episodes: 597

British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) is a multi-media information portal that provides original research, reviews and debate relating to clinically-relevant aspects of sport and exercise medicine. We contribute to innovation (research), education (teaching and learning) and knowledge translation (implementing research into practice and policy). We use web, print, video and audio material to serve the international sport and exercise medicine community. * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

21st Century Pain Solutions

  • Publisher: Wayne Phimister
  • Total Episodes: 213

Dr. Wayne Phimister is a Family Physician with a special interest in chronic pain who’s passion is finding solutions for this epidemic problem facing 1/3 of the adult population. He is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada and has developed one of the first Online Medical Trigger Point Injections Courses for doctors and nurse practitioners, a technique that is easily learnt and implemented into the medical office of any doctor or nurse practitioner treating chronic pain. To get free access to Pain Solutions Newsletter, blogs and to register for his online course simply register at waynephimister.com. On the podcast, Dr. Wayne brings together experts from various segments to share with you how they solve peoples pain problems and how you can get this treatment too.

PN podcast

  • Publisher: BMJ Group
  • Total Episodes: 76

The essential point of Practical Neurology is that it is practical in the sense of being useful for everyone who sees neurological patients and who wants to keep up to date, and safe, in managing them. In other words this is a journal for jobbing neurologists who plough through the tension headaches and funny turns week in and week out. Practical Neurology is included as part of a subscription to JNNP and provided in print to all members of the Association of British Neurologists. * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

Thorax podcast

  • Publisher: BMJ Group
  • Total Episodes: 86

Thorax, the official journal of the British Thoracic Society, publishes influential clinical and experimental research in respiratory medicine, paediatrics, immunology, pharmacology, pathology, and surgery. The focus is on work that advances scientific understanding and impacts clinical practice. http://thorax.bmj.com/ * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.


  • Publisher: healthHackers™
  • Total Episodes: 60

healthHackers® is a YouTube channel and website featuring insights from remarkable figures in health, hosted by former British TV news journalist & presenter, Gemma Evans. The audio tracks from Gemma’s guest interviews are posted to Spotify, SoundCloud and Apple Podcasts. To watch videos – including Gemma’s trials with cutting-edge wellness products and tech devices – head to youtube.com/healthhackers. Or read articles and get discounts on health tech at healthhackers.org. THE LEGAL BIT: The information broadcast within healthHackers™ should not be used to diagnose or treat any condition in either yourself or others and should not be considered medical advice. healthHackers™ disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on what you hear within episodes of healthHackers™. Please consult your healthcare provider about any health concerns you have. The healthHackers™ series is provided to you on an informational and entertainment basis. Its host and participants cannot be held responsible for damages arising from topics discussed. Terms and conditions here: https://www.healthhackers.org/disclaimer.

Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman

  • Publisher: Jason Hartman
  • Total Episodes: 1017

Survive and thrive in today’s economy! With over 1,100 episodes in this Monday – Friday podcast, business and investment guru Jason Hartman interviews top-tier guests, bestselling authors and financial experts including; Steve Forbes (Freedom Manifesto), Tomas Sowell (Housing Boom and Bust), Noam Chomsky (Manufacturing Consent), Jenny Craig (Health & Fitness CEO), Jim Cramer (Mad Money), Harvey Mackay (Swim With The Sharks & Get Your Foot in the Door), Todd Akin (Former US Congressman), William D. Cohan ( The Price of Silence, The Last Tycoon, & House of Cards), G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island), Daniel Pink (National Geographic). Jason Hartman is the Founder and CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network, The Hartman Media Company, and The Jason Hartman Foundation. Starting with very little, Jason, while still in college at the age of 19, embarked on a career in real estate while brokering properties for clients, he was investing in he own portfolio along the way. Through creativity, persistence and hard work, he soon joined the ranks of the top one-percent of Realtors in the U.S. and in quick succession; earned a number of prestigious industry awards and became a young multi-millionaire. Jason purchased an Irvine, California real estate brokerage firm which he expanded dramatically and was later acquired by Coldwell Banker. He combined his dedication and business talents to become a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, author, and media personality. Over the years he developed his Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ where his innovative firm educates and assists investors in acquiring prudent investments nationwide for their portfolio. Jason’s highly sought after educational events, speaking engagements, and his ultra-hot “Creating Wealth Podcast” inspire and empower hundreds of thousands of people in 26 countries worldwide. Additional guests featured on the Creating Wealth podcast include Robert Kiyosaki (RIch Dad Poor Dad), Matthew Quirk (The 500 & The Directive), Eve Wright (Life at the Speed of Passion), John Lawrence Allen (Make Wall Street Pay You Back), Jerry Robinson (Bankruptcy in Our Nation), Peter Zeihan (The Accidental Superpower), David Crowe (National Association of Homebuilders NAHB), Consuelo Mack (PBS – Wealth Track), Sean Haugh (Libertarian Candidate for the US Senate), Scott Paul (Alliance for American Manufacturing), Charles Goyette (Ron Paul’s America Show), Chris Martenson (Crash Course), Matt Theriault (Epic Real Estate Investing), Christopher Barnatt (The Future of 3D Printing), Zac Bissonnette (Good Advice From Bad People), Rich Karlgaard (Forbes Magazine). Chris Mayer (Agora Financial), Craig R. Smith (The Great Withdrawal), Po Bronson (The Science of Winning & Losing), Jim Stossel (Why Government Fails), John McAfee (Founder of McAfee Anti-Virus Software) Harry Dent (The Great Depression Ahead), Kevin Armstrong (Bulls, Birdies, Bogeys, and Bears), Nick Bilton (Hatching Twitter), Tom Kreautler (The Money Pit), Doug Brunt (Ghosts of Manhattan), Catherine McBreen (Get Rich, Stay Rich, Pass it On), Les Leopold (How to Make a Million Dollars an Hour), Robert Greene (Mastery, Power, & Seduction), Byron Dorgan (Gridlock), Dennis Miller (Retirement Reboot), George Gilder (Knowledge & Power), Jed Kolko (Tulia), Dr. Judith Wright (The Soft Addiction Solution), Richard Duncan (The New Depression), Dave Krieger (Clouded Titles), Bill Ayers (Confessions of an American Dissident), Dr. H. Woody Block (American Gridlock), Steven Kotler (Abundance), Laurence Kotlikoff (The Clash of Generations), Greg Farrell (Crash of the Titans), Shaun Rein (The End of Cheap China), Ken Gronbach (The Age Curve), Amity Shlaes (The Forgotten Man), Roger Lowenstein (The End of Wall Street), Jay Elliot (The Steve Jobs Way), Richard Duncan (The Dollar Crisis & The Corruption of Capitalism), Robert Wiedemer (Aftershock), and Steve Slaunwhite (The Wealthy Freelancer). A trademark feature of Hartman Media podcasts are our ‘Tenth Episodes’ where alternative topics of interest are explored every tenth episode. This provides a diverse mix of programming exploring issues and influential authors like John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior), Dr. Denis Waitley (The Psychology of Winning, The Seeds of Greatness), Lori Ann LaRocco (Opportunity Knocking), Mark Divine (Seal Fit: Way of the SEAL), Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler (The Power of Belief), Dr. Kelly McGonigal (The Willpower Instinct), Doug Conant (Touch Points), Jared Diamond (The World Until Yesterday), Dr. Bob Wright (The Science of Spectacular Living), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Successful Soul), Sonia Arrison (The Coming Age of Longevity), Dr. David Rock (Your Brain at Work), Gay Hendricks (Relationship Enhancement), Hannah Holmes (Quirk), Dr. Gary Chapman (The Five Love Languages), David Farrow (Millionaire Memory), and David Allen (Getting Things Done), Topics explored at depth on Creating Wealth include investing, income properties, property investing, investment strategies, loan modifications, market predictions, mortgage modifications, online marketing, real estate, rental property investing, subprime mortgage crisis, 401K, retirement, Alibaba.com, alternative currencies, alternative energy, ROI, cash flow, American economy, appreciation, arbitrage, Arkansas housing market, artificial intelligence, asset allocation, Atlanta Georgia, income property investing, attorneys, Australian mining, Austin real estate, baby boom generation, baby boomers, banking, bank loans, bankruptcies, Belize, Ben Bernanke, billionaires, bonds, book reviews, boom bust cycles, Boston, brand management, branding, Brookings Institution, Breton Woods, BP, British Petroleum, bubble markets, building wealth, business cycles, business psychology, business travelers, California, California Department of Insurance, CDI, California real estate, capital gains tax, Case-Shiller, Casey Research, cash flow, central banks, certificates of deposit, Chicago, Chicago real estate, China, college tuition, Colorado, commercial investing, commodities, commodity pricing, compound interest, conversions, CPI, Consumer Price Index, Dallas, dark pools, debt ceiling, debt crisis, debt-financed spending, deflation, Detroit, Detroit real estate, digital money, distressed properties, down payment, email marketing, estate tax, high cash flow, home equity, home financing, Indiana, Indianapolis, interest rates, jobless recovery, Kansas City, leverage, libertarian, Little Rock, maintenance warranty, management fees, Manhattan, marketing, Memphis, Miami, Michigan, mircopreneur, middle class, millennials, millionaire, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, MLS, mobile banking, monetary policy, money market fund, negative equity, new home construction, New Orleans, New York, New York City, North Carolina, Ohio, oil, oil prediction, overpriced markets, packaged commodities, passive income, passive investor, payroll tax, pension, pension funds, pension plans, Platinum Properties, positive cash-flow, price stability, price of gold, price volatility, private money lending, pro forma, property appraisal, property value, real estate arbitrage, real estate tax, rent, rental, renovated homes, rental homes, rental income, rental insurance, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, single-family homes, social marketing, social media, Swiss Franc, Swiss National Bank, Tampa, tax, tax laws, tax bracket, tax lien, taxes, tenant, tenant eviction, Tennessee, Texas, treasury reports, unemployment, unfriendly markets, US housing market, venture capital, volatility, Warren Buffet, Washington, wealth management, whistleblowers, world economy, Zero Hedge. Additional topics explored on the Creating Wealth podcast include Bitcoin, digital currencies, corporate tax inversions, crowdfunding, inflation, the Federal Reserve, student loan debt, monetary policy, economic challenges facing generation Y, solar energy, 3D printing, medical technology, US dollar, currency exchange, plunging bond rates, personal and commercial bankruptcy, the cost of a college education, digital banking, the American dream, capital gains taxes, asset protection, gold and silver, commodities markets, precious metals, investing tips, structural and personal unemployment, bank regulations, regulatory reform, emerging markets, shadow banking, social media, derivatives, mobile commerce, government regulation, housing market, identity theft, cyber currencies, mortgage lenders, investment properties, VA loans, gold standard, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, online auctions, landlord tenant conflicts, tax lien investing, tax law, retirement, contract law, stagflation, home loans, real estate scams, renters, reverse mortgages, foreclosures, euro, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, the US housing market, micro lending, online security, cyber security, online banking, digital banking, outsourcing, online shopping, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, JP Morgan, short sales, austerity, forex, monetary systems, budget surplus, budget deficits, tax cuts, solar energy, consumer debt, consumer price index, property investing, high frequency trading, interest rates, college tuition, cashless societies, credit card debt, credit monitoring, credit ratings, currency trading, refinancing, federal stimulus, financial independence, financial planning, financial literacy, economic growth, economic development, Wall Street, IPO, IRS, Internal Revenue Service, IMF, International Monetary Fund, mobile banking, Elliot Wave theory, free trade, underwater homeowners, foreign investing, oil prices, entrepreneurship, Equifax, federal budget, Keynes, Keynesian, fiat currency, financial scams, global economy, gold standard, income tax, and foreign investment.


  • Total Episodes: 90

Welcome to THE NEW SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL HEALTH. In 2009 Professor Steven N Blair published a peer-reviewed research in the British Sports Medicine Journal, which changed the direction of physical health outcomes and so began the dawn of a new era I call: THE NEW SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL HEALTH. His little known paper was called: THE BIGGEST PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM OF THE 21ST CENTURY. Seven years later the esteemed American Heart Association published a follow up research paper, recommending that Doctors learn a new health biometric for their patients. This biometric has come to be recognised as the number one influencer over your PERSONAL PHYSICAL HEALTH STATUS. The title, MY CHILD’S HEALTHY LIFE is in recognition of my son and his grandfather. (My father). On November 1st, 1989 I received a phone call from my mother where she said these three words; “Love, Dad’s died”. My father was just 46 years old and had died suddenly from a massive heart attack. I then went to work for the National Heart Foundation of Australia. Over the past two decades, besides being a health and physical education teacher; I have interviewed over 100 PhDs in medicine, cardiology, childhood physical activity research, cognitive neuroscience, exercise physiology, exercise science, public health, sensor engineering, open-heart surgery, pediatrics, endocrinology and more. I quickly recognized that deep and complex research does not reach the world very quickly. After a solid decade of understanding the work of Professor Blair and others who also contributed to this field of health and medical research, I wanted to be able to tell their story in simple lessons. I wanted there to be an EXPERTS ROADMAP. Right now there is so much of these Professors’ work that remains almost a SECRET to the general public. It is time to get it out there for anyone to listen to for free. I hope that these lessons can be for my son who is not yet a teenager. So that he at least has an EXPERT ROADMAP called THE NEW SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL HEALTH. I never want him to be in the same position as his grandfather whom he never got to meet. I can’t wait for you to dive into the NEW SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL HEALTH.

Live Happy, Eat Dirty Podcast with Kate Harrison (including The 5:2 Diet)

  • Publisher: Kate Harrison, Author of 5:2 books, broadcaster, food writer
  • Total Episodes: 32

The 5:2 Diet podcast contains all the tips, interviews, news and information you need to lose weight and feel great on the eating plan everyone is talking about. Intermittent fasting is flexible, easy and free, and the health benefits are the subject of extensive research. The podcast is presented by Kate Harrison, British author of four 5:2 books, who fasts weekly and lost 31lbs/14kg. The podcast offers tips and ideas for new and experienced fasters, including answers to common questions, health news, seasonal food ideas and interviews. Kate also runs one of the largest Facebook groups on fasting, and her website is www.the5-2dietbook.com Do YOU 5:2? This podcast makes it easy. Intro and Outro music: Festival by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena, YouTube Audio Library Important Note: This podcast is for information only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. There are some people who shouldn’t follow this diet: children and teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. If you take medication have a pre-existing medical condition, including Type 2 diabetes, you should talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes. In addition, anyone with a history of eating disorders should definitely not undertake this without talking to their doctor or specialist.

The Dodcast

  • Publisher: Tim Groves
  • Total Episodes: 10

A new podcast hosted by Jill Douglas with former Scotland international and British & Irish Lion Doddie Weir bringing the sporting and medical worlds together. Supported by Aberdeen Standard Investments.

That Tinnitus Podcast

  • Publisher: British Tinnitus Association
  • Total Episodes: 2

That Tinnitus Podcast is all about tinnitus, brought to you by the British Tinnitus Association. We’ll be sharing information, advice, real life stories and the latest in research news. The podcast is produced by the British Tinnitus Association (BTA), an independent charity supporting thousands of people who experience tinnitus and advising medical professionals from across the world. We are the primary source of support and information for people with tinnitus in the UK, facilitating an improved quality of life. We aim to encourage prevention through our educational programme and to seek effective treatment for tinnitus through a medical research programme. We seek to provide the most appropriate and expert advice and information free of charge via our confidential freephone helpline on 0800 018 0527. For more information visit our website: https://www.tinnitus.org.uk/ To contact us, use this link: https://www.tinnitus.org.uk/forms/contact-us Check out our forum here: https://healthunlocked.com/bta

Exotic Pets

  • Publisher: Tracie Hotchner
  • Total Episodes: 11

This show is for people who have — or are curious about owning — any of the birds, snakes or small mammals who are considered exotic pets — from bunnies to iguanas, and parrots to ferrets. Dr. Karen will help you understand the physical requirements of these animals and how to avoid most of the medical problems these pets can develop once you understand the often challenging proper environment and correct diet that are essential to their welfare. Co-host Karen Rosenthal, DVM, MS, has an impressive professional history, from being Director of Special Species Medicine at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, followed by years focused on Avian and Exotic pets at the Animal Medical Center in New York City. She is now Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine at St. Matthew’s University in the Cayman Islands, British West Indies.

Open Heart podcast

  • Publisher: BMJ Group
  • Total Episodes: 46

Open Heart is an online-only, open access cardiology journal dedicated to publishing high quality, peer reviewed medical research in all disciplines and therapeutic areas of cardiovascular medicine. Its goal is to ensure maximum transparency and maximum impact on research progress and patient care. The journal is published by BMJ in partnership with the British Cardiovascular Society. Open Heart aims to operate a fast submission and review process with continuous publication online, to ensure timely, up-to-date research is available worldwide. The journal adheres to a rigorous and transparent peer review process, and papers are considered on methodological soundness rather than priority or novelty. * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

The Word Affairs

  • Publisher: Kaiynath Rabnawaz
  • Total Episodes: 37

The Word Affairs is a weekly podcast by Kaiynath Rabnawaz, a 20 year-old British Muslim biomedical student. Episodes are released every Friday and are centred around candid conversations about Islam, culture, society, mental health and studying. Follow the podcast on Instagram and Twitter! @thewordaffairs

Heart Asia

  • Publisher: BMJ Group
  • Total Episodes: 14

Heart Asia  aims to convey the best cardiology research and practice from the developing regions of the world to an international audience. The journal seeks to publish work from around the world with the Asia Pacific being a region of particular focus. A collaboration of the British Cardiovascular Society and BMJ, Heart Asia publishes original research, topical articles and analysis. Content is currently free – just register here (http://goo.gl/8691xn) to gain access. * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

“Everybody Hurts” Helping you understand your Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Publisher: Stephen Bell
  • Total Episodes: 9

Episode 1 is about Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). Chris Puddy an ex-Police Officer talks openly about the traumatic brain injury, which nearly cost him his life. Chris was on his way to work as a British Police officer when he was struck by a car and nearly died. Chris talks openly in this episode about the effects on his life, such as depression, anxiety and stress. He will talk with the team of psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, counsellors and resilence coaches, as he talks about behavioural change and how his life has been affected by the multiple traumatic injuries he had such as a severe bleed on the brain, ruptured spleen and pneumonia. Join Chris and the team Monica Varo, Stephen Bell, Michelle Ward, Phil Waine as they look to help him seek answers and how childhood trauma plays a big part in the symptoms of complex PTSD and how his life has changed since he woke up on a life support machine in a hospital bed. Each week the “Everybody Hurts” podcast will explore wellbeing, mental health at work, stress, depression and anxiety, as well as delving into childhood and parent issues such as autism, Aspergers and dementia. They will also explore drug addictions, alcohol abuse and domestic violence and abuse. If you want to find out more then please visit the Fitality team at www.fitality.co.uk or call 07984 493798. If you need urgent medical advice then please call 999, a Doctor, Samaritans or the mental health team depending on your immediate needs

British Tinnitus Association

  • Publisher: British Tinnitus Association
  • Total Episodes: 1

The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) presents a special edition podcast as part of Tinnitus Week 2019. Join host Nic Wray from the BTA as she talks to Stephen Harrison, who has tinnitus since 2003, and his partner Sarah about how tinnitus has affected their relationship. Dr Dominic Bray, clinical psychologist, and Cheryl Thompson, audiologist, provide input from a medical professional perspective. For further support and guidance from the BTA, visit www.tinnitus.org.uk or call the charity’s free and confidential helpline on 0800 018 0527.

Hugh Dancy and Tanya Wexler, “Hysteria”: Meet the Filmmakers

  • Publisher: Apple Inc.
  • Total Episodes: 1

Join actor Hugh Dancy (“Adam”) and director Tanya Wexler as they discuss their British comedy “Hysteria”. Set in the Victorian era, the film’s title refers to the once-common medical diagnosis of female hysteria.

Professor Alan North – Audio

  • Publisher: UCL
  • Total Episodes: 23

Professor Alan North grew up in West Yorkshire and studied medicine at the University of Aberdeen before taking a PhD in pharmacology (1973). He moved to the US in 1975 as Associate Professor of Pharmacology at Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, before becoming Professor of Neuropharmacology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Senior Scientist and Professor at the Vollum Institute of Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland. In 1993, he was appointed Principal Scientist at the Glaxo Institute for Molecular Biology, Geneva, and returned to England in 1998 as Professor of Molecular Physiology at the University of Sheffield, and Director of its Institute of Molecular Physiology. Professor North’s work has focused on a quantitative understanding of drug and transmitter action at the level of single cells and single molecules, primarily by biophysical and molecular biological approaches. His extensive publications deal with drug and neurotransmitter receptors, structure and function of ion channels, the physiology of the autonomic (particularly enteric) nervous system, pain mechanisms, psychoactive drugs and mental illness. He has served as editor of the Journal of Physiology, the Journal of Neuroscience, and Molecular Pharmacology. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Pharmacology (2000-2004), President of the Physiological Society (2003-2006), and a member of the Medical Research Council (2001-2006). He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London (1995). Professor North is Vice-President of the University of Manchester. He serves as Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences (from July 2004) and Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences (from July 2006).

Alexander McCall Smith

  • Publisher: Academy of Achievement
  • Total Episodes: 2

To date, Alexander McCall Smith has written more than 60 books, including everything from children’s stories to legal textbooks, but he is best known for his delightful series, No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, featuring the African sleuth, Precious Ramotswe. The ninth and latest installment, Tea Time for the Traditionally Built, appeared this year. The series has now been translated into 39 languages and has sold over 7 million copies worldwide. Smith was born in what is now Zimbabwe, and educated there and in Scotland. He returned to Africa to establish a new law school at the University of Botswana in Gaborone, the setting of the No. 1 Ladies series. For many years he was Professor of Medical Law at the University of Edinburgh. In addition to his literary activities, he is a past Vice Chairman of the Human Genetics Commission of the United Kingdom and Chairman of the British Medical Journal Ethics Committee. In 2007, he was named a Commander of the British Empire for his services to literature. This two-part podcast was recorded in the Boulders Lodge of the Singita Sabi Sands Game Reserve during the 2009 International Achievement Summit.

Today’s Neuroscience, Tomorrow’s History: Uta Frith – Audio

  • Publisher: UCL
  • Total Episodes: 15

Supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to Dr Tilli Tansey and Professor Leslie Iversen, the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL presents a series of podcasts on the history of neuroscience featuring eminent people in the field: Professor Uta Frith was born on 25th May 1941 in Germany. She completed her undergraduate degree in experimental psychology at the Universitaet des Saarlandes before training in clinical psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. She completed her PhD on autism in 1968. Professor Uta Frith is best known for her research on autism spectrum disorders. Her book, Autism, Explaining the Enigma (1989) has been translated into many languages. She was one of the initiators of the study of Asperger’s Syndrome in the UK and her work on reading development, spelling and dyslexia has been highly influential. Frith’s work on theory of mind in autism proposes the idea that people with autism have specific difficulties understanding other people’s beliefs and desires. Much of this work was carried out with Simon Baron-Cohen who was her PhD student. She has also suggested that individuals with autism have ‘weak central coherence’, and are better than typical individuals at processing details but worse at integrating information from many different sources. Throughout her career she has been developing a neuro-cognitive approach to developmental disorders. In particular, she has investigated specific cognitive processes and their failure in autism and dyslexia. Her aim is to discover the underlying cognitive causes of these disorders and to link them to behavioural symptoms as well as to brain systems. She aims to make this research relevant to the education of people with development disorders and to contribute to a better quality of their everyday life. Professor Frith is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the British Academy and the Academy of Medical Sciences. She is Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Development at University College London and Research Foundation Professor at the Faculties of Humanities and Health Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

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