Abeer Rafat Almadawy: At the end it is our job that we must resist and struggle to face any problem in our daily stream of working life.

October 5, 2023

Castle Journal is a British Company for journalism publications’ production

During the last decade castle Journal succeeded in the international Media production that uses the most recent new updates sciences and high technology..
So CJ newspapers and magazines come out as an electronic media and in a publishing format.
The newspapers and specialised magazines in different fields and languages ..
Maybe this is the reason behind millions of peoples who are following up worldwide.

Castle Journal newspapers and magazines

(( the magnificent of performance in the accuracy of news))

Our newspapers ;

Castle Journal ( international)

Castle Journal Russia

Castle Journal China

Castle Journal Arabic

Our magazines;
Castle sciences and Researches
Castle heavenly Messages
Castle civilisation and Heritage
Castle Tourism and hotel
Castle economic

Tell us about yourself?

 Well, in fact, I have been working as an international journalist in a number of American and international newspapers since the beginning of my professional career, and my talent in writing novels, prose, and short stories.After publishing number of books, it inspired me to dream of owning a company that would one day become one of the most important Press production companies.
And here , after completing my studies in PhD which was specialising in the philosophy of electronic Cinematic media, I decided to apply my studies in a project that highlights the importance of electronic journalism in changing the stereotypical social and cultural thinking of journalism in general…
And keep pace with the unified global media with all its modern technologies.
We must notice how it is possible for the press to be biased as a good tool for gathering all the peoples of the world, and through it can help in making a world of peace and human progress…
Indeed, I launched the first newspaper which has the company name Castle Journal as a platform for electronic news in 2008, but officially I succeeded to establish my company in the UK in 2015.
through Castle Journal, I presented many newspapers and magazines in different languages, starting from the English language, and they spread quickly and achieved remarkable success in the Middle East, Africa ,USA and Far Eastern countries . It could to share the most world’s top events and the peoples’ dreams.
I can say that we are very near to create one understandable language.
It’s wonderful to win the mind of a reader who respects you because you choose to respect his mind and give him the correct and truthful news in a concise manner, with a comprehensive analysis of the news using the exclusive image..
Castle Journal is in its first steps yet , but it’s very proud to belong to the British journalism and for this reason it follows the charters and principles, and this made us more careful to approach the reader as the center of the events, its creator and the recipient.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

 Actually I have taken quick steps to produce many versions of newspapers and magazines , it was a mistake of me because the time didn’t support me enough to succeed at same level for all the publications at the same time. So I try now to take easy and don’t rush behind my crazy dream… The experience taught me that I must be more patient and save the ideas for the sake of every step.

What problem does your business solve?

 Oh, I believe that Every one has a dream , feeling happy once it realised , Specially if it is the work that she loved the most.
So here I can claim that I solved this issue for myself (( to realise my dream)) but truthfully up to this moment the problems are going on .

The work in Journalism is a very difficult field and the problems seem as the stubborn winds which below on our faces and move directly to the core of the job through open windows . At the end it is our job that we must resist and struggle to face any problem in our daily stream of working life.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

 I love this question. I’m a writer and journalist,it could to remember the journal that I used to edit during my primary school days, I loved to be a journalist and by days I knew that I must create my business in this field.But let me confess that the journalism life was the most important inspiring for me.You can change everything successfully if you really love your work. And my business gives me strong ability to my vision that i can be this person who could change things surround him . The most important problem that facing me is the distribution of my business and also to save stable source of salaries to my team. The rate of our sales are not enough to compensate the cost

What is your magic sauce?

 I Great question
I love mediocrity and honesty in anything I do, and I also adore challenge, excellence, and not imitating anyone however was great and influential. I follow my intuition and my feeling, whether this work will be succeeded or not.In other side I love the success for others.
Finally, Isee that the word ((teamwork ))is the most important reason for a successful business

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

 In fact, I plan to modernize my company in general, such as developing the electronic system to be compatible with iron systems such as Metaverse, and the use of technical artificial intelligence..and this will start from 2024..On the other hand, I established another large British company called Castle Orientation Holding ,which will be able to produce companies operating in Journalistic investment, scientific publishing, publishing houses, and a training academy, and this will greatly integrate with the current project of my company, Castle Journal.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

 The only challenge I still face since I started my business is to make a stable income but it depends on many factors that’s out of our control.
For this reason I have to change my vision of the future dealing with this challenges and try to understand more the motion of the journalism tradment.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

 We hope that companies who are wishing to advertise their products in our newspapers or on our platforms will cooperate with us… Advertisements are the main source of income for the journalism industry next to the sale of paper versions, which have declined very much in the past five years… Because of this reason, it prompted us to change our activity to electronic newspapers and magazines (( E Newspapers)) issued monthly Starting next year.

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