Alan Davidson: Helping Visionary Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders Succeed or Even Exceed Their Ambitions

January 8, 2022

Pentins helps help visionary entrepreneurs and business leaders succeed or even exceed their ambitions.

Tell us about yourself?

I grew up in the 70’s North East Britain, I witnessed massive industrial decline ,and i saw what mass unemployment does to people and their families.. My mission is to spread the word to every entrepreneur in the UK that business can be fun and enjoyable.

I am a fellow of the ICAEW, and have helped SME’s and entrepreneurs for over 30 years. Indeed I have written a best selling book ACHIEVE your business vision, to help even more people.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Focus on your strengths and don’t be distracted by stuff you aren’t brilliant at.

What problem does your business solve?

From experience, I can tell you that most business owners have 3 key problems which ultimately cause lots of stress and can lead to business failure if not solved

They have no confidence in making financial decisions. There is very little business education out there and most end up making it up as they go along. In many cases they are one decision away from disaster.

Time: There simply isn’t enough time in the day to do everything they need to do. In the always on society, phones, emails and social media prevent them from working on the business and making strategic plans for the future. This inevitably means family and personal time suffer, and that impacts on relationships.

All business leaders have fantastic plans early on, but it often doesn’t pan out that way. Customers don’t buy, cash is tight – or non-existent, and growth seems very erratic.

We solve all of the above for clients that work with us.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Originally I became a partner in a conventional compliance based accountancy practice. However I wanted to impact the lives of the business owners and help them succeed. In my youth I witnessed 1st hand what business failure did to lives, Alcoholism, Drugs, suicide. I wanted to help people avoid that.

What is your magic sauce?

We have developed an ACHIEVE methodology, which looks at all aspects of a business to give it a sound platform for growth, an exit strategy. All with regular accountability.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

To increase capacity whilst retaining quality. Helping more businesses 1-1, develop an online system, to take it to even more business. Increase our team size to accommodate that, ultimately helping 10,000 business succeed.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

We can be a victim of our own success. Our clients exit (as part of their plan) and cease to need our business services!

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

The first point of call is to book a 15 min introductory call with one of our team here

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