Emerging UK Cloud Security Startups Revolutionizing Cyber Defense Landscape

January 23, 2024

As cyber threats continue to evolve rapidly, the demand for innovative security solutions has never been higher. Emerging from these challenges, several startups in the United Kingdom have positioned themselves to redefine security in the digital environment. Founded no earlier than 2020, these startups aim to provide businesses with optimal security solutions with a particular focus on cloud security. This piece will showcase some of these promising companies championing advancements in security standards for an era characterised by digital transformation and increasing reliance on cloud services. Each delivering unique but equally necessary solutions, these startups are certainly worth keeping an eye on.

All of these companies put focus on innovative approaches to cloud security in the UK, having been founded in 2020 or later. They represent a broad spectrum of specialisations and approaches within the field. From AI-enhanced threat detection to advisory services, these businesses provide a wealth of solutions to modern security problems. By analysing and leveraging the power of the cloud, these firms provide a much-needed anchor in the turbulent sea of cyber threats. In this article, we will take a closer look at each of these nascent businesses, their founders and their innovative approach towards enhancing cloud security.

While these companies vary in their approach, focus and size, one common strand ties them all together: a commitment to innovate and redefine cloud security. As we learn more about each company, we hope that it will ignite the readers’ interest in these innovative startups and the promising work they are doing.

Push Security

Founded by Adam Bateman, Jacques Louw, and Tyrone Erasmus, Push Security is a London-based startup revolutionising cybersecurity. The startup has developed software that empowers employees to actively participate in their organisation’s protection against cyber-attacks by implementing crucial security controls. Social profiles: Linkedin


With their software platform providing tools to build and protect businesses’ Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), Hicomply is doing some groundbreaking work in the cloud security industry. This Durham-based startup was founded by Edwin Bartlett and Nick Graham. Social profiles: Linkedin, Twitter


Soveren is a London-based startup founded by Andrew Zhulin, Dima Zhulin, and Peter Fedchenkov. Their unique technology scans Kubernetes clusters in real time to automate tedious but essential data protection tasks. Social profiles: Linkedin


ISTARI, a startup headquartered in London, focuses on digital resilience. Founded in 2020 by investment company Temasek, ISTARI wears many hats as an advisory practice, investor, and educator. Social profiles: Linkedin

CyberSecurities UK

Located in Liverpool, CyberSecurities UK is a company making strides in the field of cloud security and IT management. Social profiles: Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter


Fortbridge, a London-based startup, is making a name for itself in the fields of cloud security and information technology. Social profiles: Linkedin, Twitter


Bristol-based i3Secure specialises in cloud security, cybersecurity, data storage, and information technology. Social profiles: Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter


Izyits, based in London, brings a unique approach to the fields of cloud security, consulting, and cybersecurity. Social profiles: Linkedin


Cloudignyte, located in Hemel Hempstead, is a cloud computing startup that also provides solutions in cloud and network security. Social profiles: Linkedin

Secure Delivery

London-based start-up Secure Delivery is transforming digital product security. Founded by Andrew Gordon-Brooks, Grant Ongers, and Toby Irvine, they work with enterprise technology delivery teams across regulated industries to instil security knowledge and raise security capability. Social profiles: Linkedin, Twitter

CloudGuard AI

CloudGuard AI is a London-based startup that uses a combination of AI and human intelligence to proactively hunt and remediate threats. Founded by Javid Khan and Matt Lovell, their platform is already disrupting the security operations centre (SOC) status quo. Social profiles: Linkedin, Twitter

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