Exploring UK’s Innovative Startups Transforming the Information Services Sector

January 19, 2024

The UK has been witnessing a surge in startups that have emerged in the Information Services sector. Established in 2020 or later, these startups are driving innovation and growth in the United Kingdom with diverse business ideas that leverage Information Technology. Here is a selection of some of the most promising of these startups, each making a significant impact in their respective industries.

Their impact stretches across numerous sectors, from Financial Services, Health Care, Real Estate, to Media and Entertainment. With advances in Financial Compliance, Big Data, Analytics, and Machine Learning, these startups are paving the way for future industry leaders.

Led by passionate founders and dedicated teams, these organizations are leveraging technology and data to offer novel solutions. Read on to learn more about these dynamic startups making a substantial difference in their fields.


Founded by Blaise Thomson and Naaman Tammuz, Bitfount is an intelligent platform that offers solutions derived from the fields of Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Collaboration, and more. Based in London, this company offers federated, privacy-preserving data analysis and AI/Machine Learning tools. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Cable is an innovative London-based company led by Katie Savitz and Natasha Vernier, specializing in the automation of financial crime assurance. Their platform upgrades the existing standard for assurance processes by providing an interface for immediate control monitoring. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.

BeZero Carbon

BeZero Carbon, a London-based startup, is building markets and environmental assets, primarily in the Voluntary Carbon Market. Stay updated by following them on Twitter and LinkedIn.

General Index

With Neil Bradford at the helm, the London-based General Index has grown remarkably in the Oil and Gas business with its unique, tech-led methodology. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Shackle is a London-based hotel app designed for customer convenience offering a digitised guest experience. Follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Founded by Ben Waterman and Michael Magdongon, Strabo is a London-based FinTech company that connects your financial accounts onto one dashboard. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

DataQube Global

DataQube Global, based in Cambridge, develops state-of-the-art data center technology designed for rapid deployment. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Jet Media Network

Under the guidance of Jesper Schertiger and Robin Shelley, London-based Jet Media Network is creating customised mobile interfaces for high-profile personalities. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

FourJaw Manufacturing Analytics

Sheffield-based FourJaw Manufacturing Analytics, led by Chris Iveson and Robin Hartley, delivers a productivity maximisation platform. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Wise Hands

Founded by Junior Haroldo Gaino, Wise Hands is a London-based health care startup that utilises information technology to derive innovative solutions. Follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Based in Falmouth, Cornwall, GoCollaborate was founded by Jekaterina Sukstul, Joshua Guy, and Neil Kirkland. They aim to build sustainable communities through their engagement platform. Follow them on LinkedIn.

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