Five Safety Checks For Your Small Business Vehicle

October 17, 2022
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Running a small business is a time-consuming and stressful occupation, even when it is rewarding. Because of this, it can be easy to delegate tasks to your employees, trusting them to have your best interests at heart. But this is not always a good idea, especially when it comes to a small business vehicle โ€“ in particular those used by more than one member of staff. If you are planning to start your small business in areas like London, Bristol or farther such as Scotland and surroundings, you need to make sure that your business vehicle is roadworthy enough to get procurement and logistics tasks done smoothly!

Trust: But Check

If you are relying on your employees to ensure that your vehicle is serviced on schedule, MOTed when needed and generally kept in good condition, it is always wise to periodically check up on them. You can tell staff that you are conducting an audit and will need access to the vehicle on a set day, at which point you can check the service log, ensure the MOT is up-to-date and that any minor faults or โ€˜be aware ofโ€™ issues have been taken care of.

Service History

All vehicles need to be serviced regularly to keep them in great condition, and this is especially true of company vehicles. People may not set out to use and abuse a company vehicle, but it does happen and there is almost always a knowledge that any problems are not the driverโ€™s to resolve. This can result in services being skipped, minor faults being allowed to develop into major ones and even in your vehicle being driven less carefully than it should be. Mandating regular servicing as an absolute must, will keep your business vehicle on the road and in good condition for longer.


Your tyres are important too, and again, this is an area where employees will slacken off unless you stay on top of them. Ensure your vehicleโ€™s tyres are always legally compliant, with at least 1.6mm of tread depth (mechanics recommend 3mm for greater safety), properly inflated tyres and correct aligning and balancing. Once you have done all you can to prolong the life of your tyres, it will be time to replace them for new: again, this should be done promptly for the greatest safety on the road. You should never take a risk with your business vehicle and choose a good tyre fitter in your area. Furthermore, If you are a small business owner and you are looking to book tyres in Kirkcaldy; you can order at Fife Autocentre.

Keep it Clean

Have a clean car policy with your employees. While employees who drive the same vehicle all the time can become accustomed to having the vehicle at their service at all times, they should be discouraged from leaving personal items in the vehicle. This is a simple but easy way to remind drivers that the vehicle belongs to the company, and should always be treated with respect and care.

Fuel and Oil

Pool cars are notoriously the worst-treated of company cars. They โ€˜belongโ€™ to no one, and that is exactly who takes steps to take care of them! Often pool cars are low in fuel and oil, they can be left littered with wrappings and detritus, and they are often dirty from being driven and driven without anyone washing the car or taking it for a car wash. Head this sort of practice off by establishing a fleet manager whose job it is to fulfill this function, even if they occasionally delegate the job to another member of staff.

Of course, as the owner of the small business, the ultimate responsibility for everything in it is yours. But this does not have to mean that you spend long lonely hours making sure your employees work appropriately with business vehicles. Good management involves ensuring that others do the bulk of the work under your supervision, and car maintenance is no different.

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