Graeme King: Teaching Global Financial Market Trading Education To Retail and Professional Audiences

February 26, 2022

We are a financial services company that specialises in education. We teach global financial market trading education to retail and professional audiences. Our ethos is to allow individuals, no matter what their level of skill, to trade efficiently and not be sucked into the belief that it is easy. We help to protect everyone we teach by arming them with the requisite skills to survive the very difficult landscape.

Tell us about yourself?

I have worked for some of the biggest banks in the world since i left school at 16. I was very lucky to fall into a career that i loved in an era that was interesting and successful for a lot of people. I left school in the mid 1980’s when the global financial market was just about to take off. It was an incredible time full of opportunity and wonderful characters.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Continue to work as hard as you can . The world is so competitive that it will be down to the people who commit and drive themselves hardest to come out unscathed.

What problem does your business solve?

We provide education in a world where there is very little quality. The odds are stacked against the audience. 75% of all retail audience lose all their money in the first 6 months of trading. We do our very best to repolarise those statistics and put the power with the customer.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The natural demand and the amount of people that are misinformed drives us to provide the best education service possible. We also have the ability to tap into a huge pool of world class people in our field. People that we have been very fortunate to meet or work with over the years.

I don’t know any other business that can tap into the human capital supply that we can. It drives me every day and i wake up feeling optimistic about the future.

What is your magic sauce?

Treating people with respect and caring about our clients. We all take our business very personally and i think that shows when we provide services to and provide our duty of care to anyone attached to the business.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Optimise our business lines and introduce new people and products. I want our brand to become synonymous with world class financial services and ethic towards our people, our clients and our shareholders that will separate us from the competition. Make the Corellian world one that is enjoyed and valued by all that participate.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

In previous years it was finding capital to survive. Getting through life as a small company trying to compete with behemoths that could end us with the blink of an eye. Covid could have been it for us but because of the strong will and energy of the team we actually not only survived but came out the other side in a much better place than when we went in. I has been a horrible period for so many people in so many ways i am just thankful we are still here to take what we have learnt and push on from this point

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

For me this is all about partnership and collaboration. You get much further much faster when you partner. Treat people as you want to be treated yourself and you will go a long way. I want to work with people who believe the same things as we do. There are very few scenarios in business where everybody wins but our ethos gives us the best possibility to make that happen.

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