How To Start An At-Home Business

December 12, 2022
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Working from home is a dream for many, and it’s never been more viable. If you’re going to make the best of a working life that doesn’t involve stepping out of the front door, however, then there are a few tips and tricks to bear in mind.

Find a niche

What is it that you can do that the market, as it now stands, cannot? If you’re starting a business, whether it’s an at-home business or not, then you’ll need to identify your unique selling point. This will allow you to more effectively market yourself to your would-be clients. The research might even help you to subtly tweak what it is that you’re offering. This research should come as part of your business plan – a document that you should write at the outset, and continuously update.


Setting up a small business involves dealing with plenty of administration. You’ll need to register your business with HMRC, and make sure that your tax affairs are in order at the end of every tax year. You might find that you need a license to sell certain kinds of product, or to offer certain kinds of service. This is where getting licensed becomes a necessity. It’s also worth looking into the kinds of insurance that your business needs, so that you aren’t liable for any damage inflicted along the way.

Creating a Space

When you’re just starting out, the chances are good that you’ll be working in a less-than-ideal office space. This is something that you can correct, often by just taking a few simple steps. You’ll want to create a clear divide between your leisure and home space and your working space. Having done this, you’ll want to buy the right furniture and equipment for the latter so that you’re able to work effectively in your workspace. This might mean getting rid of superfluous clutter with the help of built-in storage. A fully fitted home office could help you to achieve all of this.


Your business will have very limited success if you’re unable to establish a marketing plan and set it into motion. This means knowing who your target market is, and how you might most effectively reach them. If you’re working with very local clients, then this might mean putting printed materials through people’s front doors. If you’re targeting people of a certain demographic, offering services across the world, then it’s a good idea to maintain a strong online presence on the social media networks you’re targetting.

For most businesses, a combination of online and offline presences makes for an optimal marketing strategy. This is something you will want to have considered in your business plan.

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