Kim Brookes: Perfino exists to help the growing number of perfume lovers who no longer wear it as they either have sensitive skin, or are intolerant or even allergic to it.

August 4, 2023

A quick introduction about what your company does/your values/mission.

Perfino exists to help the growing number of perfume lovers who no longer wear it as they either have sensitive skin, or are intolerant or even allergic to it. Our mission is to provide an alternative scent delivery system which does not put any chemicals on the skin or solvents into the air, which uses only 100% sustainably sourced natural ingredients and which brings pleasure and wellbeing to the wearer. Our values are transparency of ingredients, quality and sustainability.

Tell us about yourself?

I spent many years living and working around the world, latterly as an entrepreneur and educator.
My passion has always been fragrance in all its shapes and forms, but it was only when I set up a graduate incubator in Bristol that I really started looking into the problems of the perfume industry which were very much centred on a growing population of people who could no longer wear it, demanded natural ingredients and transparency, didn’t want to be exposed to other people’s scent choices, and wanted to employ fragrance on the go to help with their wellbeing needs. A trip to Cochin which exposed me to the joy of essential oils, copious training in perfume making, andthe discovery of a talented jewellery designer all culminated in the formation of the brand Perfino.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Understand that everything takes time to evolve, and that as long as you have a great product success will follow.

What problem does your business solve?

The growing intolerance and allergic reactions people to have to the synthetic concoctions they put on their skin with fragrances.
The post Covid aversion to smelling someone else’s perfume in your air.
Solvents have now overtaken vehicle emissions as the leading pollutant…and spritzing perfume throws solvents into the air which convert to green house gases. Not many people are aware of this, and that there is an alternative way to enjoy the wellbeing benefits of perfume.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

I am inspired by the smells of nature, the fact that there are some wonderful scents provided by nature which we can extract and enjoy on the go. I am inspired to make a difference in how people apply fragrance in a way that is not damaging to themselves or to the planet. I also firmly believe in the potential of fragrance to calm, energise or inspire, and that this sensory dimension adds huge benefit to our lives and our wellbeing.

What is your magic sauce?

Perfino is the only provider of scented jewellery which combines quality precious metal jewellery with 100% natural essential oils. We are an authentic British brand driven to make a difference in how people enjoy fragrance.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

The plan is for more and more people to become aware of Perfino, to bring the benefits of scent on the go into their lives and by so doing add an extra, very positive dimension to living in a planet friendly way.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

As a solopreneur my resources are limited. I want the world to discover Perfino now but it has to grow organically, and the growth of awareness can be frustratingly slow…but is most certainly worth it and I am confident that we will get there in the end.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We are keen to get as much exposure as possible in terms of PR and are always on the lookout for partners who can help us reach more fragrance lovers to enhance their enjoyment of life with the power of scent.

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