Lavina Bonar: Sizers Is the World’s First Shoe Sizing Insert

August 9, 2022

Sizers is the world’s first shoe sizing insert. Our inserts are specifically designed to re-size shoes and offer a simple and unique solution to effectively adjust the fit of loose shoes.

All our products are made in the UK and delivered to customers worldwide. We believe in the perfect fit and when you can’t get the size you need then you need Sizers!

Tell us about yourself?

Leaving a career in the financial services, the idea for Sizers was born out of a personal need to find a pair of shoes for a last minute interview. I couldn’t actually find a pair to fit or even any suitable options to help.

I bought two pairs that day, a size 5 and a size 4 and wore the latter, which cut my heels to bits so I thought, “I have to create a solution to this problem.” “It can’t only be me.”

I started Sizers while working full-time in the city, launched it when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter and have continued to juggle the demands of both ever since. Sizers have won many awards for innovation and I’m so proud of the journey. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Focus on getting things completed instead of perfect. Sometimes good is good enough.

What problem does your business solve?

Our inserts re-size all closed toe shoes that are too big or too large. They take the pain out of shoe shopping especially for half sizes or petite fit.

They prevent heel slippage and create the perfect fit. They are mouldable and reusable and might just save your shoe collection too.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

As a woman, I know all too well the pain of ill fitting shoes, especially high heels. Finding the perfect fit is more elusive that you’d think.

Shoe sizes vary from store to store, manufacturer to manufacturer and from country to country. There’s no universal sizing system so a size 5 isn’t always a size 5, depending of where you shop.

What is your magic sauce?

Sizers is a unique and innovative solution. Our inserts take just 1 minute to mould to your shoe and to your feet. They are placed in front of your toes and re-size your shoes without padding up the sole or moving around.

They are made from medical grade foam, are available in three different sizes and two different styles and are specifically designed to re-size shoes down.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

We are re-branding and expanding our range at the moment. We have lots more new and innovative products launching soon to ensure that Sizers is always synonymous with size and fit in footwear. If the shoes fits…it’s Sizers!

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Covid has been difficult for every business and we are no different.

Change happens and rather than fighting the old, we have to embrace the new. It has given us a lot of time to work not only in the business but on the business, brainstorming, planning, creating and designing, so we are very excited about our future.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We would love for Sizers to be stocked in every shoe store. It’s so important to wear shoes that fit comfortably and securely.

Sizing up and using an insert is a much healthier option for your feet. We currently sell to over 60 countries worldwide and would love to expand on these markets, creating more new and exciting products so that everyone can wear the shoes they want.

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