
Dr Tim Craft: Multi-award-Winning Diagnostics Company Aiming To Be the World-leading Provider of Solutions To Recognised Clinical Problems in Intravenous Sedation and Total Intravenous Anaesthesia

August 9, 2022
Somnus Scientific is a multi-award-winning diagnostics company aiming to be the world-leading provider of solutions to recognised clinical problems in intravenous sedation and Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (TIVA). Somnus has invented novel sensors that detect the drug propofol in real-time at clinically relevant

Alan Vey – founder & chairman, Aventus: Aventus Is a Scalable, Sustainable and Interoperable Blockchain That Makes Building on Polkadot, Ethereum and Beyond Accessible for Companies in Any Ecosystem

August 9, 2022
Aventus is a scalable, sustainable and interoperable blockchain that makes building on Polkadot, Ethereum and beyond accessible for companies in any ecosystem. To date, our’ enterprise-grade modular architecture has supported use cases including NFTs, video games, loyalty schemes, event ticketing, supply chain

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