Revolutionizing UK Energy Management: Spotlight on Innovative British Startups

January 27, 2024

The United Kingdom is a hub for innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity. The Energy Management industry, in particular, has seen a surge of dynamic, unique startups that are revolutionising how we consume, manage and think about energy. Amidst the global push for sustainable practices and the pursuit for a carbon-neutral economy, these companies show incredible promise in driving the country towards a green future. This article highlights some noteworthy UK-based Energy Management startups, all of which were founded in 2020 or later.

All of these startups have made substantial contributions to the energy sector. They are introducing disruptive solutions, sustainable practices and are actively playing a role in combatting the effects of climate change. Geographically, these startups are based all over the UK, from bustling metropolises like London to charming cities such as Lancaster. This underscores the UK’s position as a diverse, fertile ground for energy innovation, accommodating to startups from all corners of the country.

Without any further ado, we present these startups that are pushing the boundaries of the Energy Management sector, propelling the United Kingdom onto the global stage as a leader in sustainable energy solutions.


Based in Lancaster, Lancashire, Fuuse is an innovative startup dedicated to facilitating a smooth transition to Electric Vehicles (EV). The brainchild of co-founders Michael Gibson and Will Maden, Fuuse aims to promote green practices among businesses. Through their effective software solutions in the field of EV and Energy Management, Fuuse is reducing the carbon footprint of businesses, one vehicle at a time. Connect with them on LinkedIn and get their updates on @Fuuseio.


EnergyTag, headquartered in London, is working on creating standards for hourly certificates. These certificates help energy users trace the source of their electricity, paving the way for transparency in energy sourcing. Powered by an innovative idea and a passionate team, EnergyTag is making remarkable strides in the Energy Management industry. Follow their progress on their LinkedIn page or their @energy_tag Twitter handle.


Based in Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets, Field is contributing to the Clean Energy, Energy Management and Renewable Energy sectors. Although the founders and the details of their offerings remain undisclosed, their contribution to the energy market is noticeable and commendable. Stay updated with their recent activities on their LinkedIn page and follow their tweets @field__energy.


Founded in 2020 by Adrian H. Jones and Andrew Sispoidis, Carbon-Ion is dedicated to developing electrostatic energy storage devices. They offer economical grid energy storage solutions, buoyed by cutting-edge technology and an experienced team of professionals. Based in Oxford, England, this company’s contributions to the Energy Storage and Power Grid realm are invaluable. Follow them on LinkedIn and check out their tweets on @ioncarbon.

85 Degrees Renewable

85 Degrees Renewable is a London-based geothermal company providing renewable direct heating energy to various sectors, including agricultural, residential, and industrial. They demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and the environment through their business model. Stay connected with them on LinkedIn.

The Traxis Group

Founded in 2020 by Philip Lewis, The Traxis Group provides consultation services to companies in the energy industry. Based in London, they leverage industry experience and market insights to effectively guide companies through specific challenges. Connect with them on LinkedIn.

OakTree Power

OakTree Power, based in London, is a leading climate technology startup working to enable the shift towards a fully sustainable electricity system of the future. Spearheaded by Andreas Wiele and Guillaume Molhant-Proost, OakTree Power collaborates with global grid operators and multinational corporations to reduce CO2 emissions and drive towards net-zero goals. Stay up to date with them on LinkedIn and follow their tweets @OaktreePower.


Venterra, headquartered in Sheffield, is an offshore wind farm company providing project management and engineering services throughout the wind farm’s lifecycle. Founded by Ayman Asfari in 2021, Venterra is actively promoting renewable energy sources and contributing to a sustainable future. Follow them on their LinkedIn.


Tem., based in London, is at the forefront of developing and providing innovative solutions to manufacture renewable energy generators. They’re guided by a passion for renewable energy and are committed to contributing to a sustainable future. You can connect with them on LinkedIn, Twitter at @temmarketplace, and Facebook.


xWatts is an Energy Management Software company that helps commercial buildings reduce costs and emissions. With a focus on efficiency and intelligent energy management, this London-based startup is making it easier for businesses to effectively manage their energy consumption. Follow them on their LinkedIn.

Circularity Energy

Circularity Energy, based in Waterlooville, Hampshire, is reshaping the energy system from a linear model to a circular one. Led by founder Gopi Manivannan, they are striving to create an ecosystem where energy is used effectively without waste, achieving multiples of functionality for every unit of energy inputted. Connect with them on LinkedIn, Twitter at @circularitynrg, and Facebook.

These startups exhibit the rising momentum and potential that the UK holds when it comes to sustainable technologies and solutions in the Energy Management sector. The drive, creativity and dedication displayed by these companies reflect the promising future that lies ahead for the UK as a global leader in sustainable energy solutions.

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