The Biggest Challenges Facing The UK Construction Industry

March 10, 2023
Photo by C Dustin on Unsplash

There has been no shortage of issues facing UK businesses over the last couple of years, and anyone who runs their own company will no doubt have a few more grey hairs than they used to. As you look ahead to the summer, it is important to think about everything that could still be on the way and how you can give yourself the protection you need to weather it.

Rising Prices Are Everywhere

One of the biggest issues for everyone in the United Kingdom right now, from big business CEOs to part-time workers, is the rising cost of living. It seems like beating a dead horse to keep going on about it, but the fact is that people are being forced to think carefully before making any kind of financial decision. For the construction industry, that means that costs for materials are going up and that wages are going to have to go up too. It’s also important to remember that there has been a shortage of skilled workers in recent years and that finding the best people to work for you is going to take some extra spending. You are going to have to decide whether you want to raise your prices or think about how you can trim your costs.

Finding The Right Contractors

It is always a bit of a hair-raising experience when you are looking for a contractor to take on a major part of your project. This is not exactly specific to 2023, but given the aforementioned rising prices and other pressures that are out there, it is more important than ever to find someone with experience and demonstrable expertise. Take scaffolding as an example. No large-scale construction project can go ahead without quality scaffolding work in place, and you need to think about everything from logistics to safety. If you need a scaffolding company you can trust, get in touch with the team at Brogan Group. With 70 ‘black hat’ supervisors and 195 projects completed in 2022, they pride themselves on their experience and their repeat business.

Committing To Sustainability

There is a major push towards improved sustainability in every sector that you can name and with very good reason. The signs of climate change have become impossible to ignore (unless you are particularly determined to stick your head in the sand). That means that you are going to have to think about how you can keep your carbon footprint as minuscule as possible. Using recycled or recyclable materials is a good place to start, and you could think about upgrading your vehicles to electric or hybrid models. Make sure that you stay up to date with the government’s latest safety rules and regulations, or you could end up paying a hefty fine. The cost of making these commitments and upgrades may be daunting, especially when you are watching every expenditure so carefully, but everyone needs to be thinking about the bigger picture. It’s better to invest in sustainability now than find yourself on the outside looking in down the line.

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