The return to work: how are Brits preparing for office life?

April 6, 2021
  • Research from Uvence reveals 3 million Brits are considering a cosmetic treatment as we gradually return to face-to-face working.
  • Dr. Olivier Amar, leading cosmetic surgeon and CMO of Uvence, discusses how we have become more conscious of our appearances after a year of home working.

As we edge closer to the full reopening of society, workers across the UK will gradually return to the office in the coming weeks. However, as a year of working from home has made us confront our own reflections more than ever before, we have become increasingly critical of our own appearances. Zoom calling has become a necessary part of our daily routines, and consequently, we’ve been forced to look at our faces through a more detailed lens. As we anticipate the return to office life, this leads to the question: what are we doing to prepare when it comes to our appearances?

Research from natural cosmetic innovator Uvence reveals that over 3 million people in Britain are looking to undergo a cosmetic procedure in 2021 because of the impact of the pandemic on their aesthetics. But as the increasing interest in cosmetic treatments has been catalysed by a year of working from home, it is expected that this is set to increase further as we start to leave our home set-up for the return to work. Further research found that 9% (3.2 million) say that the increased number of Zoom meetings and heightened focus on their face have made them reconsider cosmetic surgery options.

While there are a plethora of factors that Brits are preparing for ahead of such a distinct change in their everyday lifestyles, our appearances seem to be topping the list. One survey found that 40% of Brits took lockdown as a prime opportunity to enhance their appearance while out of the office, yet this number is expected to soar once we begin to physically engage with our peers once again.

Leading cosmetic surgeon and CMO of Uvence, Dr. Olivier Amar, discusses how people are becoming increasingly conscious of their appearances in light of the return to work:

“As we gradually come out of lockdown, we have been anticipating the return to a more normal structure in our day-to-day lives. However, as the return to the office is just around the corner for so many people, our personal sentiments after a year working at home will be made increasingly obvious. It seems that levels of confidence have depleted when it comes to our personal appearances, and it has become clear that our aesthetics have become a prominent part of what we’re most conscious of as we start to engage in more social interactions, especiallyin the workplace.

During the past year, it has been a common theme that we have become more aware and critical of our appearances as a result of the impact of lockdown, and this has influenced the decision of many to go out and seek treatment post-lockdown. My advice would be to not to rush into anything, and wait for a sufficient amount of time to weigh-up whether treatment is the best option for you. If you are stillconsidering treatment, ensuring that you discuss this with a trusted professional is both helpful and important.

Lots of people are now opting for more natural and subtle tweakments rather than more dramatic surgeries. Uvence is an example of an effective and natural cosmetic treatment – the procedure utilises the regenerative potential of one’s own purified cells for skin rejuvenation, improving the overall texture and plumpness of skin over the long-term”.

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