Tips For Recruiting Quality Marketing Talent

June 10, 2022
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Marketing is more important in business than ever before. It occupies a central position in a firm’s infrastructure and opens up countless opportunities for interest and growth.

Of course, marketing has evolved over the years too. Now that a digital revolution in the sector is underway, many UK companies are rightly setting their sights on larger aspirations. It’s also a highly competitive environment, and only a handful of companies can stand out amongst thousands and thousands of them.

Quality marketing can only be performed by qualified professionals. Top-tier talent isn’t easily encountered in the sector, and the aptest experts rarely find themselves out of work. If they’re between jobs, they’re soon snapped up by an eager business.

How can you recruit quality marketing talent today? We provide some answers and insights after the jump.

Work with an Agency

Recruiting agencies don’t always have the best reputation. However, the most competent services in this sector openly acknowledge this and work incredibly hard to disprove the stereotypes.

Such is the case with Stopgap, a dedicated marketing recruiter that offers different hiring services. Whether you’re looking to onboard permanent and executive staff or freelance workers in the marketing sphere, they can embolden your efforts considerably. They have an unrivalled network of talent at the top of their sectors, and all you need to do is fill out their form or email them to set them a brief and get the ball rolling.

Agencies can be a comforting presence. Knowing that real experts are operating on your behalf can offer plenty of peace of mind. That said, not all of them will have positive reputations, so carefully browse customer testimonials and reviews to be confident you’re dealing with a reliable service. After that, anything is possible when recruiting top-tier marketing talent.

Gauge How They Market Themselves

High-quality marketers aren’t just effective mouthpieces for businesses. They can also present themselves in a way that’s impressive too.

If you’re trying to gauge the quality of a marketing candidate that’s come your way, look out for key signs that prove they know what they’re doing. They should be able to:

  • Have ideas about how to improve marketing in your firm from their research.
  • List the analytics software they use and the extent of their experience with it.
  • Provide examples of building campaigns from the ground up.
  • Demonstrate their leadership qualities and values.

There are many ‘buzzwords’ in the world of marketing. Search engine optimisation, Google Analytics, and the potential behind automation may be frequently brought up for discussion by interviewees. Look deeper for the qualities in your candidates, and ensure your recruitment strategies amount to more than playing bingo.

Enquire About Their Failures

As much as top talent should focus on the future, they should also consider the past and the lessons they’ve learnt from it. Quality marketing specialists were likely anything but successful at the beginning of their careers. No doubt they have many failures under their belt to speak of, as do any experts in any sector.

After all, some brands even disappeared entirely in recent years, so clearly, a lot can go wrong with marketing. There’s often a considerable amount of risk before reward when it comes to digital solutions. Tracking trends, outshining competitors, reading the public mood – there are plenty of instances where things can, and will, go wrong on occasion.

What have candidates learned from their marketing failures? Can they even admit to any missteps? The bigger the error, the more noteworthy a candidate should become, especially if they learn from the risk and apply those lessons to all future endeavours.

Remember, no marketing expert ever made it by playing safe with their strategies and careers. Seismic success in marketing is often achieved from a one-step backwards, two-steps forward approach. That’s something any seasoned professional in the field would recognise and respect.

Be Truthful

There can be a temptation in marketing to be hyperbolic. It can bleed over from materials geared toward consumers and into a firm’s recruitment posts. In that event, caution is strongly advised.

You might believe that you’ll draw the eye of top-tier marketing professionals if your job listings are full of exaggerations, metaphors, and colloquialisms. However, just as you should expect potential candidates to be honest about their failures, you should also strive to be truthful about what’s on offer in the job.

Quality marketing talent won’t be impressed by flowery job advertisements that mislead and misdirect them. If anything, it will alienate these professionals. Instead, give them a clear overview of their potential responsibilities and benefits. Use concise language in doing so to minimise the chances of misunderstandings or a loss of interest.

Keep in mind that top-tier marketing specialists may be able to better discern when they’re being misled. They will know the intricacies of how these claims are composed. Not only this, but they are perhaps more likely to do their due diligence in researching a business and thus be more keenly aware of any instances of overpromising. Earn their respect by being direct.

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