At Best Startup UK we track over 130,000 UK startups and over 500,000 people who hold key positions in these companies. We use this directory of startups to highlight top employees, founders and board members we think deserve more appreciation than they are currently getting.
This list showcases the top United Kingdom based CTO’ operating in the Energy space. If you think a CTO’ is missing from this list, feel free to contact our editor on
The individuals on this list have been included because of exceptional performance in one of the following categories:
- Innovation – Operating as a key part in an extremely innovative business or startup.
- Growth – Operating as a key figure in the growth and upscale of a market leading business or startup.
- Management – Showing exceptional management skills.
- Societal impact – Putting their business on the map for their positive societal or environmental impact.
Our Data – We source our data from OSINT (open source intelligence) and public directories such as Companies House UK, Crunchbase, SemRush and many more. The data from these sources should be treated with a degree of caution and verified yourself.
Ben Mills-Lamptey
CTO of bio-bean
Ben Mills-Lamptey is the Chief Technology Officer at Bio Bean.
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About bio-bean: bio-bean is a U.K.-based green company that offers its users with processes of recycling and waste management solutions.
Sandy Gataora
CTO of Sunamp
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About Sunamp: Sunamp is a company that provides industrial and residential heat battery storage systems.
Molawa Adesuyi
CoFounder & CTO of Recyclan
Tech entrepreneur passionate about building products and business that change lives
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About Recyclan: Tech Enabled Plastic Recycling Company
Craig Webster
Chief Technology Officer of Pavegen
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About Pavegen: Pavegen is the global leader in harvesting energy and data from footfall.
Mark Selby
Chief Technology Officer of Ceres Power
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About Ceres Power: Ceres Power Holdings PLC is a world leading developer of low cost, next generation fuel cell technology.

Peiman Hosseini
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer of Bodle Technologies
Peiman is a founder and Chief Technology Officer of Bodle. As a postdoctoral researcher at Oxford, he demonstrated the use of ultrathin functional materials in electro-optical applications, setting up Bodle Technologies with Harish to commercialize this invention. He was a member of the RAEng Enterprise Hub in 2014 and has won numerous awards for this technology including the Printed Electronics R&D Academic Award. Pei leads the technology development and with the other management team members helps define business and development strategy.
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About Bodle Technologies, Bodle Technologies: Developing SRD® technology for a low-power display of vivid colours that doesn’t look washed out in bright conditions
Robert Edwin Rouse
CTO of Ichthion
Robert is a co-founder at Ichthion, acting as CTO and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Cambridge. As an engineer, scientist and designer, Robert’s work has been recognised in several awards, such as Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Industrial Studentship (2015–2017), Jubilee Science Scholarship (2009-2013), Millhayes Science Scholarship (2009-2013), Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Academic Achievement (2010) and others.
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About Ichthion: Ichthion engaged in Development of cutting-edge technology to restore the ocean environment.
Fred Drewitt
Chief Technology Officer of Limejump
Fred Drewitt is the Chief Technology Officer at Limejump.
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About Limejump: Limejump is a Technology-Driven Utility: harnessing the power of big data to positively disrupt and transform today’s energy market.

Jon Curnyn
Chief Technology Officer of Switchee
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About Switchee: Data analytics and IoT business serving large social landlords
Keith Stenson
CTO Cloud Services of Switchee
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About Switchee: Data analytics and IoT business serving large social landlords
Li Yao
Founder, MD & CTO of Q Energy
Highly skilled professional in technology industry. Focusing on innovation in Smart Cities, sensing technologies, data platforms and machine learning .
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About Q Energy: Q Energy provides new revenue streams and savings on energy bills by enabling proactive management of consumption, production.

Pieter Ennes
CTO of Energyworx
CEO & co-founder of Authentiq
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About Authentiq, Energyworx: Energyworx provides a SaaS-based platform for energy data management and energy intelligence solutions,
Ian Scott
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Moltex Energy
Ian went to Cambridge University to study nuclear physics, but was seduced during his first year by the excitement of the biological sciences and made his career in that field. He became Chief Scientist for Unilever plc before leaving to start an entrepreneurial drug discovery company. In 2012 he became bemused by how nuclear energy had gone from being “too cheap to meter” to too expensive to afford and determined to try to remedy that flaw. The result was his invention of the Stable Salt Reactor and the creation of Moltex Energy.
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About Moltex Energy: Moltex Energy is developing a next generation nuclear reactor that can produce clean electricity

Alistair Potts
Co-Founder & CTO of Open Energy Group
Alistair brings a range of technical skills and entrepreneurial experience to the Open Energy team. Alistair began his career at the e-commerce pioneer Screen Pages in London, developing their innovative retail core and implementing a wide range of cutting edge business-oriented processes aimed at both the B2B and B2C sectors. He has subsequently founded and run a number of successful e-businesses in the UK. Alistair coxed for Great Britain and Cambridge University, where he received a doctorate in architecture.
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About Open Energy Group: Open Energy provides between $0.5m and $10m in non-recourse debt financing for solar projects.
Chris Case
Chief Technology Officer of Oxford PV
Dr Chris Case joined Oxford PV in April 2014. Chris brings a strong track record of senior technology management to the business. Since 2009, he has been running his own consultancy providing high level strategic technology commercialisation advice to global companies and small companies alike, including Voltaix Llc; recently acquired by Air Liquide, and Surrey NanoSystems. Prior to this, he spent ten years with BOC Edwards and The BOC Group, latterly part of the Linde Group where he was Chief Technology/Scientific Officer, responsible for driving global technology strategy and R&D for the €8 billion business. Chris has a strong scientific background in patents and IP management, and is passionate about realising their commercial value. His experience spans markets across the world including the US and he has worked for a number of companies – from large corporates to small start-ups – to help manage their IP portfolios, broaden their scope of influence and build successful and profitable businesses. As well as being extensively published in international press and periodicals, Chris is also a regular speaker and lecturer on integrated circuits and photovoltaics, and chaired the interconnect team of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) for more than 10 years. He began his career as Assistant Professor of Engineering at Brown University followed by 10 years at AT&T Bell Laboratories. He was a Fulbright-Hays scholar at the Université de Bordeaux, and holds a ScM in engineering and a PhD in materials science from Brown University.
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About Oxford PV: Oxford PV is a provider of perovskite solar cells.
Kevin Lind
Co-Founder and CTO of Perceptual Robotics
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About Perceptual Robotics: Perceptual Robotics is creating intelligent automation to make wind turbine and other infrastructure inspection simple and fast

Scott Porter
Co Founder and CTO of WATR
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About WATR: WATR develops a water monitor that is self-powered, portable, easy to install, with a live data dashboard and notification alerts.

Andy Kilner
Co-Founder & CTO of Piclo
Andy Kilner is Co-Founder & CTO at Open Utility.
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About Piclo: Piclo develop software to make our electricity grids smart, flexible and sustainable.
Christopher Baker-Brian
Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer & Chief Technology Innovation Officer of BBOXX
Christopher is a graduate of Imperial College London, where he obtained a first class honours (M.Eng) degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. He was part of a team of students that founded “e.quinox” in 2008 and co-founded BBOXX in 2010. Christopher is responsible for product development, supply chain and BBOXX’s manufacturing partnerships. In addition, Christopher has extensive technical experience in the petro-chemicals (Shell) and aerospace (Rolls-Royce) industries. He is a full member of the IEEE and IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) and currently serves as a general member of the 2011-2014 IEEE Ad-Hoc Committee on Humanitarian Activities.
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About BBOXX: BBOXX designs, manufactures, and distributes plug and play solar systems.

Dr Chris Dudfield
Chief Technology Officer of Intelligent Energy
Chris is responsible for directing and delivering the Group’s platform development road map from the point of research through to business division application. Prior to this role, Chris has held the positions of Director of Operations, Director of Programmes and Director of Technology at Intelligent Energy. Chris has worked continuously in the field of fuel cell technology since 1990 and has extensive practical experience in fuel cell stack, fuel processing and fuel cell systems technology. Chris holds chartered chemist (C. Chem.) and chartered scientist (C. Sci) status. He is also an appointed member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC).
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About Intelligent Energy: Intelligent Energy is a clean power systems company offering fuel cell and hydrogen generation technologies.
Peter Hammond
Chief Technology Officer of CCm Technologies
Peter Hammond is the chief technology officer of CCm Technologies.
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About CCm Technologies: CCm Technologies is an environmental technology company that focuses on resource optimisation.

Prof Gehan Amaratunga
CTO, Professor & Owner of CamSemi
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About CamSemi: CamSemi is a fabless company designing and manufacturing energy-efficient power conversion products.
Dale Knight
CTO and Co-Founder of One Utility Bill
Dale Knight is the Co-Founder and CTO at One Utility Bill.
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About One Utility Bill: One Utility Bill offers a simple way to pay anyone’s bills.

Michele Grassi
CEO & CTO of 40South Energy
Michele Grassi (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter), born in 1970, has a degree in Mathematics from Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and a PhD in Mathematics from the University of California Los Angeles. He also studied for some time in Oxford, UK. In 2005 he had an idea for an innovative method for extracting energy from waves. After the initial preliminary studies, in 2008 he created 40South Energy Ltd in London to complete development of the Intellectual Property, to fabricate and to commercialise the machines globally. The Italian subsidiary 40South Energy Srl carries out some development and construction, mainly related to the mechanical components. The UK company has recently expanded its presence, opening an office in Plymouth. 40South Energy has a special relationship with Plymouth University and collaborators from Exeter University. From the Plymouth office it will be easier to coordinate the various projects planned for the South West of the UK, among which the Scilly Airport WEP. The machines that we build constitute a generation jump with respect to the previous ones, in terms of survivability, reliability, load factor and cost. In 2010 the Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena provided a loan to finance the construction of the first full scale pre-commercial prototype of a 150kW machine. In the summer of 2010 Zurich agreed to insure our machines (for damages against third parties), due to the intrinsic multi-layered security measures (both active and passive) incorporated already in the D100t prototype deployed and tested offshore during that summer. During 2011 we tested offshore the second generation of full scale machine, the 150kW unit called Y25t. Its operation allowed us to validate completely the computerised “wave to wire” model that we use to forecast the behaviour of machines at sea. During 2012 we sold the first R115/150kW machine to Enel Green Power, one of the major renewables players in the world. During 2013 we completed construction and had first electricity production offshore from the first R115 machine and we also received orders for R115 machines from other clients. We started expanding the projects from the current ones in the UK and in Italy to several other locations around the world, where we have customers interested in developing Wave Energy Parks based on our R115 machines. From a technological point of view we started development of an intermediate prototype, called R380/500kW, useful towards the design of the next generation machine, also using to finance part of this project a grant to 40South Energy Srl from Regione Toscana. The R380/500kW will serve as the basis platform for the R1300/2MW machine, our second commercial offering which we expect to launch commercially during 2015. During the first quarter of 2014 we completed the test campaign on the first R115 machine. In the second quarter of 2014 we started development of our WT25 powertrain, which is used in the R115/200kW, in the R380/500kW and in the first machine in the new line of H-machines, the H24. The H design is as groundbreaking as the R one, and allows us to expand in a new market segment (shallow water wave and tidal conversion) completely separate from that of the offshore wave machines of type R. The fact that these machines share the powertrain is an added bonus which improves dramatically out production process. Together with our partners of Elements Works SRL we completed the consenting process for a first H-WEP (H-machine water energy park), where we installed one H24-50 machines. The machine was installed at the Marina di Pisa wave energy park in November 2016, and after a month of commissioning was put into operation. Electricity from wave energy was produced but was NOT put into the Italian grid (it was dissipated as heat locally). In November 2016 we sold the first H24-50 to Enel Green Power, and later in December 2016 Enel Green Power invested in 40South Energy Italia, alongside Invitalia Ventures. During 2017 40South Energy Italia worked at the update of the design of the H24-50, to bring it from TRL 7 to TRL8. In the meantime another investment was done, by Genia Srl and Invitalia Ventures. In the summer of 2018 a first update of the H24-50 installed off Marina di Pisa was completed, from version 1.0 to 1.1, to start testing the “version 2” transmission which will be used in the TRL8 H24-50 v2. This time the electricity produced was injected in the Italian Grid, starting from the first production event on Thursday September 13th, 2018. This date is a fundamental milestone, as it was the first grid production of wave energy in the Italian grid (and most likely the first or one of the very few in the whole continental Europe).
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About 40South Energy, Element Works: 40South Energy we have the expertise to turn ocean wave energy into useful work.
Chris Wright
CTO of Moixa Technology
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About Moixa Technology: Developer of distributed energy storage, aggregation and smart DC technologies
Damon Hart-Davis
CTO & Co-Founder of Vestemi
Damon has a Masters in Computer Science with a focus on AI and 20 years of experience designing and optimising systems in the City. Previous start-ups included one of the UK’s first ISPs and a virtual credit company. He has also worked with DECC advising on energy efficiency from 2009.
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About Vestemi: Vestemi is a new technology product company with a social purpose.

Steve Lewis
CTO of Utonomy
Previously a Product Development Director at Amdocs, one of the world’s top 20 software companies, Steve led the development of their network inventory management software (used by major telecom operators across the globe). Before that, he held engineering management roles with Evolving Systems, Kennedy Carter and Westinghouse. Steve graduated in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Portsmouth.
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About Utonomy: Utonomy provides smart gas grid technology to increase network efficiency, reduce methane emissions and increase biomethane injection.
Daniel Wright
Co-Founder & CTO of Grid Edge
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About Grid Edge: The way we use energy is changing

Chris David
CTO of Harris Pye
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About Harris Pye: Harris Pye The Harris Pye Engineering Group is a rapidly expanding global organisation.
Damien Frost
Co-founder & CTO of Brill Power
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About Brill Power: Brill Power is a clean-tech platform that develops cutting-edge battery management technology.

Chris Wright
Co-founder and CTO of Moixa Energy Holdings
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About Moixa Energy Holdings: Pioneer of energy storage, DC micro-grid power and aggregate electricity grid services in the UK
Gareth Brett
Chief Technology Officer of Highview Power
Gareth Brett is the chief technology officer of Highview Power.
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About Highview Power: Manufacture Of Electricity Distribution And Control Apparatus