At Best Startup UK we track over 130,000 UK startups and over 500,000 people who hold key positions in these companies. We use this directory of startups to highlight top employees, founders and board members we think deserve more appreciation than they are currently getting.
This list showcases the top United Kingdom based Executive Director operating in the Association space. If you think a Executive Director is missing from this list, feel free to contact our editor on
The individuals on this list have been included because of exceptional performance in one of the following categories:
- Innovation – Operating as a key part in an extremely innovative business or startup.
- Growth – Operating as a key figure in the growth and upscale of a market leading business or startup.
- Management – Showing exceptional management skills.
- Societal impact – Putting their business on the map for their positive societal or environmental impact.
Our Data – We source our data from OSINT (open source intelligence) and public directories such as Companies House UK, Crunchbase, SemRush and many more. The data from these sources should be treated with a degree of caution and verified yourself.

Stephen Bonner
Executive Director, Regulatory Futures of Information Commissioner’s Office
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About Information Commissioner’s Office: The ICO is a U.K.-based independent body set up to uphold information rights.

Benjamin Todd
CEO, Co Founder & Executive Director of 80,000 Hours
In under three years with Ben’s leadership, 80,000 Hours has grown from a student society, to an Oxford affiliated charity, featured on TED, the Washington Post, the BBC Today Programme and more. Ben has a 1st from Oxford in Physics and Philosophy, has published in Climate Physics and speaks Chinese. Before 80,000 Hours, he was the first undergraduate to intern as an analyst at a top investment fund. Rather than taking the job, he persuaded the Chairman to donate £60,000 to 80,000 Hours.
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About 80,000 Hours: 80,000 Hours is an evidence-based advice on careers that make a difference.

Paul Chisnall
Executive Director, Financial Policy & Operations of British Bankers Association
Paul’s responsibilities include banking reform, financial reporting, tax and corporate governance. Paul prepared industry responses to the Independent Commission on Banking, the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards and various financial stability related UK government consultations. He is currently working on issues arising from the Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013, including its provisions on ring-fencing and measures arising from the Government and regulatory response to the PCBS recommendations.
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About British Bankers Association: The BBA is the leading trade association for the UK banking sector with more than 230 member banks headquartered in over 50 countries

Irene Graham
Executive Director of Business Finance of British Bankers Association
At the BBA Irene leads the overall policy work across SME and corporate businesses, including key industrial sectors. This includes running Better Business Finance and strategic initiatives across products such as export finance and capital markets. Prior to joining the BBA Irene was a senior banker at Standard Chartered Bank, undertaking executive roles across its international footprint. This included heading its Corporate and Institutional business, and transaction bank in Europe, co-heading SCB’s European wholesale bank and leading international regulatory affairs. She sits on the board of the UK Business Angel Association.
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About British Bankers Association: The BBA is the leading trade association for the UK banking sector with more than 230 member banks headquartered in over 50 countries

Winnie Byanyima
Executive Director of Oxfam International
Winnie Byanyima is Executive Director of Oxfam International. She is a leader on women’s rights, democratic governance and peace building. She served eleven years in the Ugandan Parliament, and has served at the African Union Commission and as Director of Gender and Development at the United Nations Development Program. She co-founded the 60-member Global Gender and Climate Alliance and chaired a UN task force on gender aspects of the Millennium Development Goals, and on climate change. Born in Uganda, Ms. Byanyima was elected for three terms and served eleven years in the Ugandan Parliament. She led Uganda’s first parliamentary women’s caucus, championing ground-breaking gender equality provisions in the county’s 1995 post-conflict constitution. A world recognized expert on women’s rights, she founded the still-thriving civil society organization Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE). She has served at the African Union Commission and as Director of Gender and Development at the United Nations Development Program. Ms. Byanyima is a signatory to her country’s 1985 peace agreement and has helped to broker and support women’s participation in peace processes in Rwanda, South Africa, Burundi, Sudan and other countries emerging from conflict. She co-founded a 60-member Global Gender and Climate Alliance of civil society, bilateral and multilateral organizations and chaired a UN-wide task force on gender aspects of the Millennium Development Goals, and on climate change. She has served on numerous global boards and commissions including the African Capacity Building Foundation and the International Centre for Research on Women. She holds a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering in Energy Conservation and the Environment (University of Cranfield), and a B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering (University of Manchester). She began a five-year term leading Oxfam International on May 1 2013.
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About Oxfam International: Oxfam is a world-wide development organization that mobilizes the power of people against poverty.
Dylan Tanner
he Executive Director & Founder of InfluenceMap
Dylan Tanner currently works as the Executive Director and Founder for InfluenceMap.
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About InfluenceMap: InfluenceMap provides information and analysis on the impact of business and finance on the climate crisis.

Martin Sutton
Executive Director of Brand Registry Group
Martin is the Executive Director and a co-founder of the Brand Registry Group (BRG). The BRG is a trade association, formed in 2013, to support the interests of major brands that apply to run their own dotBrand registries. This association focuses on policy and contractual issues within the ICANN arena, where Martin has been actively engaged for many years. Martin was a former risk manager for one of the world’s leading global banks, managing digital risks that related to domain name portfolios, online fraud and security, brand protection and enforcement. He held various positions within HSBC Holdings from 1997. He also led HSBC’s New gTLD programme, including the application for their own registry (.hsbc) and developing their strategic response to the introduction of 1600+ top level domains. He also runs his own company, Top Dot Consulting, which helps major companies to improve risk management towards their critical domain names (digital assets), including their top-level-domain registries.
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About Brand Registry Group: BRG) is an association of companies who share the goal of empowering Brand Top-Level-Domains (Brand TLDs) in the domain name industry..

Jim Killock
Executive Director of Open Rights Group
Jim Killock is Executive Director of Open Rights Group.
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About Open Rights Group: Open Rights Group is a non-profit organization that exists to protect civil liberties.