Useful Tips for Your First Year of Trading

January 28, 2022
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Once you have set up your own business and started selling goods or services, you may wonder what to do next. It can be all too easy to become complacent, especially if you have been successful so far. However, not giving enough thought to the future could impede your productivity and sales further down the line. Due to this, you may want to consider implementing some helpful tips to allow you to continue growing and doing well in the future.

Although profits may seem quite good right now, there is no guarantee that they will continue to do so. Unlike in employment, your own wage may also not be so secure, especially when you consider the need to pay your employees as well as other expenses that your business might accrue. Rather than spending all the money that you allocate to yourself, or funnelling all of it back into your company, you may also want to consider starting a pool of savings. Wealthify can allow you to set up an individual savings account, or ISA, which some of your money can go into. You may also benefit from the interest added to this account. This way, if you have a bad month, you may still be able to cover any costs or afford your own livelihood. This money may also then be kept separate from the business, as it will come from your wages.

You may also want to look at the different health and safety policies that are in place within your company. While these may be quite basic, to begin with, you may want to use employee feedback, as well as changes to working laws and safety legislation, to help make your company safe to work for. One of the other benefits of having fully inclusive policies means that, in the event of an incident, you may be less likely to be penalised for the event if staff have been trained and instructed on the safest working practices available to them.

It can also be a good idea to see how customers feel about your company. Those that have had a positive experience may be able to inform you as to what went well for them, and why they were happy with their transaction. Likewise, genuinely listening to negative feedback could highlight areas of weakness. This may then allow you to give additional training to staff, consider changing your suppliers, or even alter the way that orders and payments are taken. Being open to areas of improvement may help you to continue growing and increase your level of overall customer satisfaction.

Final Thoughts…

It can be difficult starting your own company, especially if there are a large number of competitors. However, by considering the needs of your employees and customers, as well as how to make some good financial decisions, you may be able to equip yourself with the tools you need to get through that first year.

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