Vito Peleg: Atarim Helps Website Agencies and Freelancers to Better Collaborate With Their Clients.

January 5, 2022

Web designers agree that if they were to build a small business website on their own it would take between 3 to 5 days, but as soon as a client or stakeholder is brought into the project the average delivery time becomes 4-6 weeks.
The 83% is caused by client delays, procrastinations, prolonged feedback loops, miscommunications and a lot of back and forth.

Atarim tackles the 83 of the website project delivery time – The collaboration.
Reducing the time it takes to deliver a project from weeks to days.
Our mission is to become an integral part of every website or digital product delivery process, saving the industry billions in wasted time.

Tell us about yourself?

I’m originally from Tel Aviv, Israel and I first came to the UK as the leader of a rock band during my 20s. I started building websites for clients, as a freelancer, form the back of a van while touring the world, as a way of generating an extra income.
Eventually, I settled in London and formed a website agency that built more than 800 websites for small to medium UK businesses.

As we were scaling, I noticed the misalignment between the time that it takes to build and the time that it takes to deliver, which is when we created Atarim as an internal tool to help us serve our clients.

When it worked like magic, I decided to bring the solution to market and now 2 years in, our system is used by more than 5,000 website agencies that are working with more than 120,000 of their clients.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Invest in your team and over-deliver to your client and users, it will pay off.
More importantly – Drive fast but be patient!

What problem does your business solve?

We significantly speed up the time that it takes to deliver website projects. Increasing profit margins and improve the relationships between web agencies and their clients.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

We significantly speed up the time that it takes to deliver website projects. Increasing profit margins and improve the relationships between web agencies and their clients.

What is your magic sauce?

Instead of using spreadsheets, Google docs, Zoom calls, WhatsApp messages and countless emails, our system provides visual collaboration tools that allow our users to simply click any part of their own website to describe what needs to be changed – It’s like post-it notes for websites.

The problem was that we were all trying to describe something visual with words, while clients and pros don’t use the same lingo to discuss, which creates bottlenecks.
It’s like trying to describe a Beatles song with words rather than just playing it – It’s very hard.
Atarim is the “Play button” for visual collaboration.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

We will become the default way people collaborate within websites and digital product, all over the world.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Educating the market. Sometimes, as busy business owners, it’s hard to look at the bigger picture and accept that there might be a better way of doing things.

Over the years we come to accept long processes and daily frustrations as “part of being in business”. But as technology evolves around us, we should all review and challenge the status quo to find where we can improve, optimize and systemize our workflows further.
Instead of thinking “that’s how it is” we should all say “how can we fix it”.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

If you build websites for clients, you should definitely check out and see what other agencies are saying about our game-changing solution.

If you’re a business owner who is planning to build or upgrade your website and you want to get the project done smoothly and on time, request Atarim to help you express yourself without the mess of back and forth and project.

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