A public limited company is a business entity that is owned by investors who are entitled to a share of the profits. There are several variations of public companies, including public limited companies. Public companies need to meet certain regulatory requirements to be recognised as public companies, including having a minimum number of shareholders, having shares that are traded on a public stock exchange, and having a maximum percentage of public ownership. Public companies also have strict requirements for financial reporting and governance, including the requirement to have an audited set of financial statements.

Advantages of a PLC
There are many advantages of a public limited company. A PLC provides a number of benefits that are useful for both the business owner and employees. Once you understand them you can make an informed decision on whether it is right for you.
The most important characteristic of a PLC is that it is extremely flexible. The owners of the company can determine how the company will be managed and what shareholders will be entitled to. This means that you can set up the company however you want, with the rights and obligations of the shareholders being completely open. This means that the owners of the company can change the way the company is managed and the rights of shareholders at any time.
Another major benefit of setting up a PLC is reduced risk. The company will be legally separated from its owners and shareholders, which means it will be responsible for any debt that it has. This means that if the company is unable-to-pay its debts, the owners will not be responsible for any of that debt. This is especially important when applying for bank loans or other types of financing such as mortgages. In this situation, the bank will look to the PLC for the money, not the owners. This means that the bank will not have any control over the owners, meaning the owners can keep their personal assets safe.
Disadvantages of a PLC
Although setting up a PLC has a lot of benefits, it does have some disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages of setting up a PLC is the amount of time it takes to get the company legally recognised. It can take several months for a company to get legally recognised in most countries, which means the company can’t start operating in the meantime. Another disadvantage of setting up a PLC is the cost of doing so. In general, setting up a PLC is more expensive than other types of companies as it requires more regulatory paperwork and financial reporting.
Summing up
A public limited company is a business entity that is owned by investors who are entitled to a share of the profits. There are several variations of public companies, including public limited companies. Public companies need to meet certain regulatory requirements to be recognised as public companies, including having a minimum number of shareholders, having shares that are traded on a public stock exchange, and having a maximum percentage of public ownership.