Key Ways To Avoid Injury In A New Job

July 20, 2022
Image by Peter H from Pixabay

When starting a new job, it can be tempting to get started right away, carrying out the new tasks before you’re ready for it. However, the safest way to approach a new role is to take things one step at a time and make sure that you follow the right process.

Pay Attention to the Training

The top cause of injuries at work right now is exposure to harmful substances or environments, according to the details at After this, we find things like slips and falls or over-exertion when carrying out physical tasks such as lifting and moving things. All of these problems are generally avoidable if the worker knows what to do and what to avoid doing.

In many cases, the correct way to avoid all of these issues is covered in the initial training sessions given to all new employees. It can often be as simple as learning the right way to carry out manual tasks or discovering what precautions to take before certain jobs or before entering any potentially hazardous areas of the workplace.

If the employer fails to provide this sort of training, they leave themselves open to the risk of facing personal injury liability claims. As explained by, a plaintiff is someone who takes out a claim because of damages suffered, which would be the employee in this case. The defendant is the person or company who is accused of causing the damage through negligence.

As well as the initial training, you might also be offered regular, ongoing health and safety sessions. Attending them is important, as you might be given important updates on new laws or techniques you need to know about. Otherwise, it could be simply a good way of reinforcing what you’ve already learned and not slipping into bad habits after a while.

Use the Right Gear

Use of the correct safety clothing and equipment also plays a big part in helping you to avoid injury when you start a new job. Every job has a range of different hazards that can be avoided or mitigated in a variety of ways. A good example comes from the construction industry, where protective boots and helmets are among the most important pieces of clothing.

The growing importance of technology in this area can’t be underestimated. In some industries, the use of wearable technology has helped to improve safety statistics greatly, but these pieces of tech can only help when the worker uses them correctly and understands the reason for wearing them.

This look by at the use of wearable tech in the hospitality industry suggests that the Kinetic wearable device may help to reduce injuries by up to 60% in environments such as hotels. This is due to the fact that sprains and strains are the most common injuries in this setting, and this kind of tech can help lower the risk.

Starting any new job should be an enjoyable moment in anyone’s career, but it’s also a crucial stage for learning how to stay safe and keep clear of the main hazards the work involves.

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