Anna Bondarenko: Dehealth Is a Brand and International Association of Companies With HQ in the UK and Research Centers in Israel, the Us and New Zealand

August 7, 2022

DeHealth is a brand and international association of companies with HQ in the UK and research centers in Israel, the US and New Zealand.

DeHealth’s mission is to make healthcare more efficient by building a Web3 platform for medical data, to provide equal access to medicine for all people, regardless of country and income level.

Decentralized storage for health data and digital assets, data Oracles protocol, incentive layer, and metaverse for healthcare – we are most likely to accelerate the development of privacy-first MedFi and Web3 applications.

We developed a DeHealth App – AI & Medical Data – Based Mobile App. It is a decentralized application (dApp) that allows users to securely and autonomously store their medical data in one storage, share, manage and monetize it using the DHLT token, supporting their health while selling their anonymized data.

DHLT Network is a decentralized storage for health data and digital assets, data oracles protocol and incentive layer. The job of DHLT protocol is to digitalise and secure global health data for everyone.

DHLT Network makes health data profitable and lifesaving with worldwide and Web 3.0 ecosystem. Over 35,000 doctors, 3,200,000 patients and 650 hospitals already trust DeHealth in healthcare issues.

Tell us about yourself?

DeHealth’s co-founders are Anna Bondarenko ( and Denys Tsvaig (

Denys Tsvaig is also CEO & CTO of DeHealth, being technology entrepreneur, blockchain and Web 3.0 enthusiast. He has more than 13 years of experience in IT: from building a business architecture of products to developing and implementing new concepts for the market.

Thus, Mr Tsvaig developed the New Internet Model (Distributed Network), which was implemented together with the international team of Suntri Inc. experts.

Blockchain enthusiast who turned into reality software solutions in the field of cybersecurity and the medical industry, in particular, based on blockchain and ML technologies. In the UK, in 2014, launched a pilot project of the world’s first digital share on a blockchain ledger.

In terms of business, Mr Tsvaig follows the concept, when technology intersects with a scientific approach. As head of the National Cybersecurity Association of Ukraine, Mr Tsvaig has published many studies on the impact of technology and innovation on macroeconomics and healthcare.

Author of the term “Decentralized Globalization”, today Mr Tsvaig is working on a book about how cyber attacks became one of the main weapons in the war, in particular in 2022.

Anna Bondarenko, DeHealth’s Managing Partner, is also President of the international consortium “eHealth” which consolidates the best experts in the field of digital health and more than 15 mln patients.

Public figure, philanthropist, and musician. Anna is a sophisticated business development expert with an approach of innovation appliance to grow and scale companies and highlight their market differentiation in Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, France, China and other regions.

Actively cooperates with the public sector for its digitalization, especially in the healthcare field, by underlining the role of cybersecurity, personal data protection, and the introduction of new economic models.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Sometimes it is important to give yourself a break. Spend time with kids, parents, and beloved. Otherwise, one day, in the early morning, the war may start and your world collapses.

Close people may die and you regret that you didn’t have time to hug someone dear, to say a couple of important words. Everything else can be solved!

What problem does your business solve?

Healthcare is a massive $8.6 trillion industry that includes everything from pharmaceutical companies and hospitals to mental health applications. Experts predict that the market will grow by plus/minus 12% annually through the 2020s.

The medical data market has been valued at $30b in 2022 and is expected to triple over the next 10 years due to growth in AI applications, data-driven preventive medicine applications and drug development.

Today, the healthcare industry is built on historical data, and industry growth has been increasingly reliant on a larger, more extensive and more reliable data set. However, both users and providers operating in the healthcare segment face major challenges:

Data security.
On one hand, it’s claimed that electronic medical health records make up an industry worth nearly $27 billion, meaning pharmaceutical companies are already paying for massive datasets from private labs, insurance companies, hospitals, etc.

But on the other hand pharmaceutical enterprises lose huge amounts of money to fake data and hacking every year – medical data breaches may cost healthcare companies $3–7 million per incident, while the black market for medical data is enormous – in 2021, 45 million individuals were victims of healthcare data attacks.

The number of such violations in healthcare is more significant than in any other industry. Based on a report by Trustwave, a healthcare data record may be valued at up to $250 per record on the black market. Thus, people lose not only their private information, but money as well.

he medical industry has been prone to virus attacks, therefore DeHealth applies a multi-layered approach that focuses on preventing attacks as well as mitigating the effect of ransomware.

Data Flexibility
Any integration is a long and expensive process: medical data and patient history are scattered across multiple platforms, and therefore, cannot be reproduced cohesively. DeHealth dApp centralizes medical data in one system by utilizing a uniform cross-platform information system.

This system records the data from different sources into one platform, which may be simply and seamlessly shared by the User with verified medical professionals. Furthermore, by leveraging our relationships in the healthcare industry we integrated MIS into the DHLT network which synchronizes patient data in real-time.

The blockchain infrastructure provides traceability that is necessary for use in electronic medical records, remote patient monitoring, medical EHR systems, etc.. The data architecture is designed so that DeHealth can communicate, gather, and share verified medical data with any MIS in the world, creating a patient driven electronic data sharing information system.

Data verification
In the present Medical Information System (MIS) architecture the data verification process is mostly manual and extremely time consuming. Medical professionals spend ⅓ of their time iterating with data in the MIS, which is then verified by at least one other professional.

This time could be better spent taking care of patient’s needs. In addition, when labs, universities and hospitals acquire large datasets, each set has to be manually checked by a medical professional. This process is so extremely time-consuming that many hospitals employ medical record/data specialists which cost over $2.5 billion per year in the US alone.

In the last twelve months, telemedicine has attempted to tackle the problem of data verification by centralizing internal communication, offering a better UX and UI to save time for both patients and physicians. Web 2.0 architecture has proven to be absolutely necessary, recording a market surge from $9.2 billion to $12.5 billion in a span of 3 years.

DeHealth has adapted this telemedicine model and combined it with the speed and safety provided by Web 3.0 architecture, cutting onboarding time, initial investment, and running costs by over 50%.

Once data is verified and input into the blockchain, it cannot be changed by any stakeholders and includes necessary provenance records, consequently, providing the reliability and traceability which today’s data market so desperately needs.

Protection of user rights and Compliance
Protecting data in the healthcare industry is no easy feat. Healthcare providers and their business associates must balance protecting patient privacy with delivering quality patient care and meeting the strict regulatory requirements set forth by HIPAA, and other regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

DeHealth is built in compliance with both HIPAA and GDPR. This ensures that information is depersonalised and attached to the User’s unique ID. All types of information is heavily encrypted, and medical and personal information are separated.

The system operates with fully encrypted internal IDs and external keys, thus DeHeath ensures that the data always remains anonymous. Moreover, users will have the option to turn off access or delete data that is no longer relevant to them, as well as prioritize one data source over another.

Data monetization
Reliable Data has never been more valuable in the medical industry than it is today. Health professionals can now generate data-driven healthcare solutions to improve patient outcomes in many ways.

These include empowering patients to engage with their own health histories with easy-to-access medical records and informing providers of patients’ ongoing health status so they can in turn assess treatment methods faster.

Monetization has been one of the largest challenges in the medical industry. However, the question remains – who profits from the sale of this precious data?

One of the largest injustices in the current data market is that the originator of the data does not receive anything for their precious information. Hospitals, big pharma, and medical data exchanges are the only stakeholders that directly benefit from a patient’s medical data.

DeHealth fixes this injustice, and gives each individual control and ownership of their data. In addition, DHLT Network provides all the tools necessary for the user to easily and safely sell their data to research institutions, labs, and university partners. Patients will finally be able to take receive remuneration for their data. A single data input could earn a patient between $5-1000 per sale.

Disease Prediction, Prevention & Treatment
The medical industry is in the early stages in adapting Big Data and statics for direct patient care. AI, complex algorithms, and ML are being used almost everywhere today, and medicine should be no exception.

A study by a group of researchers revealed how combining AI edge computing with swarm learning can detect cancer from patient data while preserving patient privacy.

DeHealth AI is helping to develop predictive systems based on big data analysis. It monitors all patient tests, displays real-time data from medical gadgets, and reports the slightest abnormalities to prevent disease.

Technology is helping medicine to be more proactive, and the future lies in preventative medicine. It is now time to shift from reactive sick care to a healthcare era in which a person will not need to be treated for illnesses and their consequences because they were prevented in time, and any abnormalities are corrected before the disease has had time to develop.

Data accessibility and centralisation
A lack of healthcare culture is provoked by patients’ limited access to healthcare (geographical, financial, technological factors, including low awareness of cryptocurrencies). According to the UN, more than 3 billion people worldwide do not have access to healthcare data and medical help.

The world has already embarked on a data economy journey, but most of the time without individuals having access or real control over our own data. Data is half of the entire health care solution.

If the problem of lost and inaccessible records can be solved, accidental deaths may possibly be reduced by 40-50%.

DeHealth is not only aiming to hand over control back to the user – meaning, where the user goes data follows. DeHealth has created a digital medical ID, a functional encrypted key where a user can store all of their medical information.

This means that if a patient undergoes treatment and tests in different parts of the world he/she will have the ability to receive and share the results in real-time. This cost facilitates the ability for doctors to provide remote care and take actions in critical situations.

This structure is also becoming a relevant solution to the problem of public access, especially in times of war and global pandemic. By unifying and attaching the data to the patient we can expect faster, precise, and timely care, improving the lives of users and medical professionals.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

My dream is to prevent people from diseases and let them live long lives. I’m always liked the tales about youth and long life elixirs.

That’s how together with Denys we created our own “Elixir of Life” – DeHealth. Denys lost his mother when he was 21 – and from that moment he made death his personal enemy, because it separates people, brings pain and suffering. And till this very day we are fighting this enemy with science and innovation.

What is your magic sauce?

There are several companies on the market with a similar approach. Compared to our competitors we have clear advantages on 11 points.

In particular DeHealth is not only aiming to hand over control back to the user – meaning, where the user goes, data follows. DeHealth has created a digital medical ID, a functional encrypted key where users can store all of their medical information DeHealth AI is helping to develop predictive systems based on big data analysis. It monitors all patient tests, displays real-time data from medical gadgets, and reports the slightest abnormalities to prevent disease.

DHLT Network provides all the tools necessary for the user to easily and safely sell their data to research institutions, labs, and university partners. Patients will finally be able to receive remuneration for their data. A single data input could earn a patient between $5-1000 per sale.

The medical industry has been prone to virus attacks: DeHealth applies a multi-layered approach that focuses on preventing attacks as well as mitigating the effect of ransomware. The first level of security is during the input data validation.

The second level encrypts the data using top tier banking-grade encryption methods to prevent any unauthorised access. Lastly, data is recorded in the DHLT Network making it immutable and secure in the private chain. Private blockchain structure protects DHLT Network from any external threats.

DeHealth Network utilizes POA and all the nodes are run internally on secure server networks. DeHealth setted up a long-term partnership with Hacken, a leading security consulting company focusing on blockchain security.

To ensure that DeHealth is secure and increase user confidence, Hacken conducted a smart contract code review and security analysis report for DeHealth HLT Network. Specifically, a documentation review and automatic and manual analysis. We got 8.7 score (from 10 possible)

All data in the DeHealth App is encrypted and stored in a decentralized way which opens up the possibility for data holders to be independent and autonomous.

Dealing with medical data, the most sensitive and valuable asset in the healthcare industry, DeHealth prioritizes the security of data storage by complying with data protection and security standards including Data Protection Law, GDPR, HIPAA, Data Protection Act.

High-grade cybersecurity of the application and the data inside of it is guaranteed by the internal development team as well as independent experts such as Hacken and ethical hacking communities.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

DeHealth promotes healthcare as a brand new qualitative and financially attractive lifestyle and provides the whole healthcare industry with trustworthy medical data.

As for the next couple of years DeHealth’s roadmap milestones are the next: development and launch of DHLT Network v1 Alpha (Web 3.0 + User Cabinet), DHLT Network v1 Beta (Buyer Cabinet) and DeHealth ID are set to come live in Q3, 2022. In Q4, 2022 DHLT Network ver. 3.0 (Data Supplier Cabinet), DeHealth dApp and DeHealth Multicurrency Wallet will go live. At the beginning of 2023 public testing of Data Marketplace will take place, as well as Bug Bounty – come over! As for the launch of DeHealth AI Alpha, it’s scheduled for Q2, 2023.

We already ran a successful IDO on launchpads Scaleswap, CyberFi, ACY and DaoStarter. The listing in DEXs and CEXs is scheduled for September, 8th, 2022.

We partnered with Hacken, a global cybersecurity company, to make WEB3 approach to healthcare safer and already passed the audit, which we disclosed separately.

A number of well-known experts are involved as Advisors to speed DeHealth’s rapid development, in particular: Ralf P.Gerteis, Scaleswap CEO; Alex Philippin, Head of the Samurai Launchpad and Head of BD at CyberFi; Philippe Gerwill, Digitalization Humanist, Futurist and an Innovation KOL, who spent about 30 years in global roles in big multinationals and mostly in the pharmaceutical industry.

We started working together with the leading universities to create a powerful R&D for the digitalization of healthcare and the standardization of approaches to the safe donation of medical data.

Negotiations with major pharmaceutical market players are also on the current agenda as we at DeHealth aim to solve the market’s needs for high-quality medical data by creating a tool for its collecting and structuring in order to provide new drugs faster and make healthcare more accessible to people.

We have partners and patrons including Ministries of Health, Cyber ​​Police, technology and crypto companies, international universities and foundations.

Multi-billion dollar Web 3.0 companies join DeHealth to revolutionize healthcare. Among them – Chainlink, the industry standard oracle network for connecting smart contracts to the real world, becomes one of DeHealth’s strategic technical partners and maintains setting a safe, trustworthy and scalable DeHealth dApp and decentralized data storage DHLT Network.

Series A rounds from VC funds as well as family offices are supposed to significantly accelerate DeHealth’s roadmap of major stages accomplishment. As well as grants from NEAR Foundation, Polygon Funds, WEB3 Foundation, WAGBi from Alchemy, MIT Solve, etc., we already applied for.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

When you develop a solution that will prove to be useful and valuable for billions of people, it is always a difficult and painstaking journey with mistakes. We have had a lot of interesting stories and meetings over these years.

The most emotional challenge for the last few months was within our IDO, held on February 21, 2022, when the first-ever released health tokens by DeHealth HLT Network have been officially sold out through trading platforms by KYC process for 2 hours.

On the next day, on February 22, 2022 our advisor and partner, the citizen of Ukraine, Alex Momot and his company PEANUT should have ensured our listing on crypto exchange PancakeSwap

To do this and, as it was agreed, we have transferred to his company hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of tokens DHLT to ensure liquidity and growth.

On February 24, 2022 the war started in Ukraine. In this terrible ordeal for us and the country, Alex Momot colluded with a group of Russians from GotBit company and defrauded our funds.

Together, they caused millions of dollars of loss to the company and its international investors. Capitalisation of the company has decreased from $80 million to $10 million and continued to reduce more for a month. And our project includes thousands of investors, you know, five famous IDO-launchpads.

The fraud is being investigated now by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Cyberpolice. And we are marching on, no matter what. Thanks to the support of our technical partners and friendly launchpads, Cyberfi and Scaleswap, we have reissued the smart contract of the token and are already actively preparing to return to the exchange.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

To be updated on DeHealth’s news, please, follow our website, Telegram ( and Twitter ( A ton of useful stuff to be read on our Medium blog (

You can also subscribe to our Facebook ( and LinkedIn ( Stay tuned and let’s keep disrupting global healthcare in Web3 together!

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