Fernando Raymond: There Is a Science Behind Being at the Top on Search Engines

August 6, 2022

As a London-based integrated digital marketing agency and SEO consultancy firm we offer authentic search engine optimization and online marketing skills to rank for some of the world’s toughest keywords.

There is a science behind being at the top on search engines and all staff receive regular training to use the SEO tools and marketing strategies as effectively and innovatively as possible to get the best results for the clients.

Tell us about yourself?

Seeing the massive demand of online marketing services and SEO back in 2013, I gained the necessary skills and set up the agency.

Being able to serve business owners rather than just doing a job for another company, I wanted to pursue a lucrative career that would also give me purpose and fulfilment by making a difference.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Grow a team as soon as possible to scale and put effective systems in place for automation and efficiency.

What problem does your business solve?

Getting businesses in front of their ideal audience in a very competitive market to boost sales and branding.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Empowering businesses to thrive especially online and to become a leader in their niche to build a successful business that they envision.

What is your magic sauce?

We offer a wide variety of customised marketing solutions and techniques that are tailored to every client and industry.

We consider customisation a key element in the online market as in SEO and marketing it’s all about being unique and targeting specific keywords and niches that are most relevant for the individual client.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

To expand the ClickDo Ltd. brand into further internet marketing branches and to grow nationally as well as internationally.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

To grow a very reliable and competent team that can work autonomously so that the company can grow and I can invest time and money into additional projects and my other company SeekaHost Ltd. Difficulties are recruitment and hiring as well as keeping the best staff.

Refining the recruitment and onboarding process helped us to identify the most suitable candidates.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

My social media presence exposed my business to many more people and I receive a lot of contacts or referrals from those channels. I also blog a lot about related topics on my own blog and other business blogs.

We want potential clients to join our socials or visit our website and enquire through those channels to find answers to their questions or receive the support they need.

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