Nilufer Narayani: We Help Businesses Meet Guests in an Eco-friendly Atmosphere

October 8, 2022

Moe is a green marketplace for booking outdoor vacation rentals in Mediterranean. We help businesses meet guests in an eco-friendly atmosphere.

Tell us about yourself?

I am an industrial engineer and a wellness coach. I’m experienced in sustainable processes, supply chain management, sales, communication and corporate marketing. My partner, Bora Oztunc is a multidisciplinary designer.

He’s building brands, creating projects from the ground up and translating them into compelling experiences by developing ideas, providing quality art and creative direction.

We are working over 15 years and wanted to join our forces to make a positive impact to the environment through travel.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

To create my own business, according to my qualifications, experiences and vision.

What problem does your business solve?

Tourism accounts for 8% of global emissions. We aim to create a positive impact through travel and help people to find themselves by having amazing outdoor experiences.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

We work with businesses that are unique to nature and the region, without the need for a hotel, and without supporting uneven construction.

We reduce the negative effects of tourism on the environment such as excessive consumption, waste of energy, garbage, noise pollution, deterioration of culture and uncontrolled vehicle entry into cities.

What is your magic sauce?

We are a team of experienced and exited founders. We value clean technology, sustainable tourism, human wellness and women entrepreneurship.

We work full time and achieved these so far:

  • – Have a fully working web platform with hosts and listings
  • – 2000+ global growing host database
  • – Raised first fundings from family and friends
  • – New design system and UX designs are ready for development
  • – Creative advertising campaigns are ready for launch
  • – Aligned with UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

In 5 years time;

  • – Moe is the most known green marketplace for booking vacation rentals and outdoor experiences around the world.
  • – We have 2000 hosts with 6000 listings on the system and the listings are booked avg 10 days every month.
  • – We have a yearly profit of 10,000,000 GBP.
  • – We are one of the best workplaces to work with, according to our global team members.
  • – We raise awareness for green travel, engage in sustainability practices, donate funds to community causes, support ecological organizations and make a positive impact on the community through our core business.
  • – We meet a carbon impact threshold and offset any impact that exceeds the threshold.
  • – We are a B-Corp.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

As well as having a good idea, product and market opportunity, we need business partners who can share our vision, support and guide us where we are lacking.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We are seeking business partners, mentors and investors to share our vision.

We are in the funding round to develop our web platform and mobile application, hire talents, make partnerships and start advertising.

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