The post-pandemic workforce is more independent than ever – but only if it’s part of a team

May 4, 2021

Justin Small, Founder and CEO of Future Strategy Club comments on the future of freelancing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a fundamental shift in the way we work, completely disrupting our perception of what the traditional, desk-bound 9-5 role should look like. Similarly, it has also accelerated an array of existing future work trends, with data by Future Strategy Club revealing that 25% of 18–34-year-olds are now considering freelancing as a permanent career option. 

Alongside this, data also reveals that between Q1-Q3 2020, over half a million (566,957) new companies were incorporated on Companies House, up 8.57% on the same period in 2019 (522,199)*, showing that more entrepreneurs are taking the plunge and setting up businesses. With ‘Solo’ self-employment also becoming increasingly more common. Further to this, in 2020, 14% (4.56 million) of workers were self-employed as sole traders or as company owners with no employees**. 

Yet this independent model of work can only successfully function if the private sector not only embraces but actively supports those looking towards leaving the traditional workplace behind. This is why the rise of co-agencies such as Future Strategy Club is essential right now, providing a supportive space for those looking towards entrepreneurialism and an independent, yet collaborative, working community: 

Justin Small, Founder and CEO of Future Strategy Club comments on the future of freelancing:

“Although the past year has been difficult, many entrepreneurs are seeing the opportunity to become their own boss and launch a business or, at least, the next stage of their career. With the job market in turmoil, the PAYE paycheck is no longer a reliable constant. Instead of starting again at the bottom of a ladder, freelance workers can work for themselves, tap into years’ worth of skills and experience, and gain true security from their own knowledge and skillset. They can take up the jobs that appeal to them and best utilise their skillsets, meaning they have a more fluid and fulfilling approach to their career. 

“Freelance talent is also beneficial to firms, who can bring in outside talent on-demand to grow and innovate. The private sector will need flexible workers to ride out the turbulence of a potential no-deal Brexit and further months of Covid confusion.”  

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