3 Ways To Raise Funds For Your Startup Business

August 5, 2022
Photo by Christian Dubovan on Unsplash

Business startups are not always the easiest to sustain. According to research, more than 90% of new businesses collapse before one year ends. One of the main reasons behind the failure of many businesses is insufficient funding. Money is the backbone of any business, and when money is lacking, the business lacks. A person might have a grand idea concerning a legitimate business, but without capital, the execution of the idea is bound to fail. At every stage of a business, entrepreneurs will be found looking for places to find finances to fund their business. The time and amount required for funding depend highly on the business you want to start. This article will analyze some sources of funding entrepreneurs can opt for.


Bootstrapping is also known as self-funding and is the most common way to start small businesses. A first-time entrepreneur will have difficulty getting external funds to run their business if they do not show that they have the potential to succeed. There are various ways of self-funding, including investing from your savings or asking for help from friends and family. Some aggressive entrepreneurs gamble on sites like Free-spins.net to get their initial capital. Self-funding is easy to raise money since there are few formalities needed to satisfy before getting the funds.

Bootstrapping is advantageous for various reasons. One of the main reasons for bootstrapping is having complete ownership of your business. When you are a sole proprietor, you will retain the whole of your business if you invest in it using your funds. You will not have the complication that the business might be taken away when you fail to pay a particular debt. You are also assured of full benefits from the business since you have complete control.

The disadvantage of bootstrapping is that the business will ultimately fail without much money to run.


Crowdfunding is among the newer ways of funding startups and has generated significant popularity and can be equated to taking a loan from multiple people simultaneously. An entrepreneur puts up their business details on a crowdfunding platform and explains why they need the funds. If the consumers love the business idea, they will give money or make online pledges to donate.

One thing that makes crowdfunding a viable idea is that it can generate interest, thus helping in marketing and financing. This model is also prominent in helping entrepreneurs understand whether their product is needed in the market. The model is fantastic since it can invite venture capitalists once a company can stand.

Before going for a crowdfund, realize that you need a good product that can gain the attention of simple consumers without the need to explain much. Crowdfunding is a competitive platform; thus, you should be sure you are giving your best.

Venture Capital

Venture capital is a form of financing where well-established investors finance startups with the potential to grow long-term. Venture capital does not come only from well-established investors but also from investment banks and various financial institutions. Venture capital can come in many forms, including technical know-how or management expertise. To qualify for venture capital funding, you must prove that your startup has the potential to grow or is in a position that needs a little nudge to become the next big thing. This form of investment can appear risky to the investors as they put faith in a company whose future is not fully known. However, the potential for the startup to grow entices venture capitalists into signing up for the investment. For example, if you are opening a business like Suppose Ltd. that manages Yesbets, you could approach investors and give them your proposition. If the investors perceive that the business has a potential for exponential growth, they will invest in it.

However, venture capitalism has some downsides. Venture capitalists usually work with a short operational time to start enjoying the profits. Venture capitalists often want to recover their investments within three to five years. This might be a short time for some companies to grow to their full potential. If an investor is not impressed by the end of the time, they may withdraw their support, leaving you in a ditch. Another downside is that most investors seek a percentage of the company once it picks up. This would mean that you will lose some control over your company. If you are not up for this kind of mentorship, venture capital is not for you.

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